Wonder joins Ultimatenyg

Ultimatenyg New York Giants Football Blog welcomes “Wonder” as its second blogger. This is meant as no disrespect to ANY OF US, but Wonder knows more football than anyone I know, met, anyone in the media, anyone period. Is this hype? No. Wonder is human, he makes mistakes, but he sticks his neck out, he puts his opinion out there, and his track record is excellent. His analysis and understanding of the NFL is outstanding and we welcome him to share his insights with us as often as he chooses. Please keep in mind Wonder is a Jets fan, but he roots for the Giants too and knows as much about the gmen as we do, probably more. You can only imagine what he knows about the Jets and THE OTHER 30 TEAMS, off the charts. Come draft time (essentially the day after the Super Bowl!) his commentary will be indespensible. GO GIANTS. GO WONDER.

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