The Giants Pick at #63. Here is a list of people Wonder says if available at #63 the Giants are out of their mind not to take:


This is the spot where I like Barrett. He is a good safety. When you have a need for Safety, taking someone at Round 2 is smart, not Round 1. According to Wonder (a diehard Jets fan and hater of ALL New England sports teams): “if the bastards grab Barrett.. I shoot myself.” So here is to hoping that the Giants get Barrett at #63 and the Patriots do not take him at #62… for our sake AND Wonder’s health. Wonder is hoping that both the Giants and Patriots pass on Barrett and that the Jets take him early in Round 3. That could happen because Barrett could easily be a third rounder from OTHERS PERCEPTIONS. If the Giants are able to get Barrett at the very last pick of Round 2 that is akin to a third round draft choice anyway, so get him there and have a smart player in Knight groom him.

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