Wonder’s Rx for the Giants 2011 Draft

Last week we got a glimpse into everyone’s first round sentiment on which direction the Giants should go.  But that is the tip of the iceberg.  The next 6 rounds from R2 to R7 are where the draft really happens.  This is where the Giants won a Super Bowl in 2007.  Aaron Ross really helped the secondary that year, but

Steve Smith, 3rd and 11 !!!
Jay Alford, sacks Brady!
Kevin Boss, biggest play from scrimmage in Super Bowl XLII
Michael Johnson, huge fumble recovery in NFC Championship game
Ahmad Bradshaw, led all RBs in 2007 postseason

If the Gmen want to have legitimate title aspirations, they better find the players in the later rounds.

Pete and Wonder are both in MAJOR agreement about the fact that this is a VERY WEAK draft.  So how can it be that we can still get excited about R2-R7 when all there is is slop?  The answer is that there are always diamonds in the rough in ANY draft, and we just have to keep our eyes on who to look for.  There are always opportunities.  Tom Brady went in Round 6!

Who should we be eyeing?  Wonder and Pete are both really excited about Dontay Moch, a LBer, in Round 2.  Considering that Wonder also likes Martez Wilson in Round 1, would it be overkill to get Moch as well in Round 2?  “No way,” says Wonder.  “If you ever got Moch and Wilson in the same draft, it would set the tone for your defense for so many years to come.”

Let’s review what we have.

Round 1: Pouncey…Wilson, Costanzo, etc….IF avail, must get…but the more I look at it, the more my FIRST choice is Wilson…1-A Pouncey…and if lucky enough to have Cameron Jordan, Tyron Smith must take THEM…if all gone, but Wilkerson, Watt, Austin and guys like that avail, then you CAN move down knowing it’s “second tier” guys and you can get one of them at end of first round and pick up an extra 2nd…and grab someone like Leshoure or Thomas and DUMP Jacobs..

Round 2: IF by some miracle, the Jints get Wilson in first and Moch in 2nd, Furman will be happy !! LB’s !!!! Murray also a poss..only fear is his durability…

Round 3: Would LOVE Marcus Cannon in 3rd round…a REAL ROADGRADER at OG.

Perfect Jints draft:

1. Wilson
2. Moch/Murray/Thomas/Leshoure
3. Cannon/Ballard/Carmichael
4/5. Gilchrist/Carter (if no Moch)/Culliver/Green/Cameron (I think Jints need an ATHLETIC TE to stretch the field and spread it out)
Gilbert (if no Costanzo)/Franklin/ or any “scatback type” like rodgers, gates, lockette or Jernigan that SLIPS to them in 4th or 5th
6/7. Zack Williams/D.Newton/Barksdale…(whoever Jints like as a late rd. OL if haven’t drafted one yet)
7. ENDERLE…take a flyer and see what he can develop into 3-4 yrs. from now..!!!
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