Somethings Gotta Give


The Oilers lost again last night in a 3-2 decision against the New York Islanders. Again. There were some positives in the loss though as goalie Devan Dubnyk finally had a solid start, saving 37 of 40 shots he faced. 40 shots? Now that’s the Oilers I remember from last year.

The team and by the team I mean Taylor Hall, played a beauty of a game, for 8 seconds…..The look on my face I have right now I stole from my wife, 8 seconds of excitement and then 59 minutes and 52 seconds of disappointment


Yep that’s the look.

By the way, I’m talking about the last episode of a TV show we just watched together, sickos. Anyway, now that your mind is out of the gutter, let’s continue.

Positives or not the team still lost, and a record of 1-6-1 is not good enough for a team that is supposed to be going from rebuild to cup contentions. There are some serious problems with the product that Mac T has put on the ice, and it’s the whole product; the players, the coaches, and the management, the entire organization has failed us for the last 7 years. I, like many of you am getting pretty damned frustrated.

Now I’m not going to throw our new General Manager or our New Coach under the bus just yet, they are both rookies at their respective positions. But there is work to be done here, a lot of people have commented on just how ineffective this swarm defensive system is, that’s up to Eakins to fix, if he want’s to stick around in the NHL learning how to adapt may likely be his biggest skill.

As for Craig MacTavish, he’s mad e a few nice additions and a subtraction that was probably easier than it should have been. But again there is work to be done, the team’s defense has been terrible and it can’t all be blamed on the system, there is a lack of talent there. It is time Mr. MacTavish to go out and get some talent.

I’m not going to start any rumors and I’ve already put my thoughts out on a potential trade that I think both teams would have to seriously consider (I made the trade up, nothing serious just my idea’s put to paper so to speak). But there has to be a trade coming soon you would think, and a significant player from the Oilers would have to be going the other way, you would think. There are many possibilities for trades, what players or types of players will be involved? Well who knows, but l have a feeling there is something coming.

Now, if we are going to see a trade and we are going to see a significant player traded my guess is it will be Nail Yakupov. Not because he is Russian, not because I don’t think he’s gonna be a stud in this league (I do), but because I think of the players on this team, besides Taylor Hall and RNH, Yakupov will bring the greatest return. (I know Bob Stauffer said they aren’t trading him). So if not Yakupov who do you think it will be?

Thanks for Reading


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