Perfect fit for the Oilers-Kevin Klein

kleinLet me start this off,by saying,this is purely out of my imagination and is not a trade rumor,just my opinion on who would be a great fit here!

With all this trade talk surrounding the Oilers, I decided to do a little digging around some teams defensive groups.After some digging,I believe to have found a perfect fit for the Oilers on the back-end.Right now they aren’t getting enough leadership and lacking the defensive discipline that is required to be a consistent group,on a night in night out basis.This defence group has had moments where they look brilliant but, for the most part they have had nights where they’re all over the map with coverage and defensive assignments. They need to go back to basics and simplify their game and there is one player who I believe is acquirable, based solely on being the odd man out in his defensive group and could help the Oilers cause.

That man is Kevin Klein from the Nashville Predators (as if you couldn’t tell by the title)He is someone, who right now by the end of the year is the odd man out with their current D group. They have Mattias Ekholm and Ryan Ellis playing extremely well right now and are both RFA’s at the end of this year and i cant see them not being resigned. They also have Victory Bartley, Roman Josi,Seth Jones and of course Shea Weber playing rather well right now. Kevin Klein has played great this year,but he’s getting older and has a 5 more years left on his deal and with their strong youth movement he will eventually become obsolete in the Preds lineup. Klein is one of the most underrated defenders in this league, he was apart of that infamous D core that had Ryan Suter,Dan Hamhuis, Shea Weber and Greg Zanon in it.He was never talked about as much those guys, he quietly goes about his business and plays a very strong defensive game and has since day one of joining the Preds. He has learned along side and learned from two of the top 5 defenders in our game right now, that being Weber and Suter, what better two guys to learn from?

Since joining the Preds,he has been a consistent and key defender for them, playing under the great defensive system of Barry Trotz. He knows defence front to back and would be an excellent leader to guide this group.He can move the puck, skate it up, jump into play and play every situation possible.He is the hockey equivalent to a swiss army knife. He can not only help lead and push these guys to success, but he can teach the strong defensive play the team is lacking and bring over his knowledge of Trotz’s system here and adapt it to the Oilers current system, whatever that may be at the time.He brings a lot to the table and could provide a calm and stable presence on the back-end, again something this team lacks badly.

I believe we could make a nice package for the Predators in acquiring him. Nashville lacks offence and im sure would love to bring in some more scoring power as Pekka Rinne is out for 4-6 weeks, which means, they are going to need to put up a few extra goals to make up for the lack of elite goaltending. The names, Hemsky and Omark come to mind. Send them both? Why not,Hemsky has been healthy and can provide top 6 minutes as well as scoring, throw in Omark who has lit up the Swiss Elite League and is at a ppg pace in the AHL right now, meaning he could add some much-needed depth scoring for the Preds.So maybe a package of Hemsky and Omark for Klein and a second round pick could be had?

Dont think hes a fit or we are giving up too much? tell me what you think or even yell at me if you like at @Madi39 on twitter


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