My Spirit is Crushed – An Open Commentary to Rexall Sports


What is currently unfolding before our eyes is beyond comprehension. I’ll admit that didn’t watch the game last night. I played with my kids and then once they were in bed, I talked with my wife. I don’t regret it one iota. This morning, as I halfheartedly sift through the postmortems and comments, my feelings have shifted. Last night I bemused the ridiculousness in private and made wild statements with humorous intent. This morning the indifference I felt has changed to feeling as though I have found out an old friend is dying. It sounds overly melodramatic, but it is the truth.

Our Oilers, as we know and see them, are dying. For it? We receive silence from the people in charge. 5 home games with a nary 2 goals scored. 3 straight home shutouts. Not only is our team dying, I feel like we fans are starting to see the cracks of death in our devotion.

There is far more to life than sport. For a person like me, who’s personal distance from sport in every day life is growing, I fear that one of my only options left is to put my love for this team in some mental state of cryogenic stasis in hopes of halting the impending death of that devotion. I want to cheer. I want to see them succeed. I want to bask in celebration. It just isn’t possible right now. There is next to nothing left to cheer for.

The angst is not worth it.

It is my hope that things get turned around. It is my hope that there are people devoted enough to continue caring about this team. I believe that there are even darker days ahead. How any proud athlete can continue to commit to a team that is completely and utterly surrounded in darkness is beyond me. There will be changes, I HOPE there are changes. Those changes will hurt our devotion further. Me? I just don’t know if I care enough any more. I don’t think my devotion can be damaged any further.

God speed Oilers.

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