Making The Grade…Justin Schultz


Tonight we have a look at Justin Schultz, Tonight he gets his Evaluation, Tonight decides if he stays or goes…okay just kidding about that…but no seriously…


Making The Grade…Justin Schultz

Team Play:B+

Justin Schultz has built such a great chemistry with the core of this team, on and off the ice. It shows on the ice when he’s making a great first pass to one of Hall, Eberle, Nuge, Yak or when he is quarterbacking the first line power play. He has established such a trust with them out there, its great to see. He isnt an overly physical defenseman and has a great active stick, like Nicklas Lidstrom did. Now im not comparing the two talent wise merely just the one skill they both possess, Schultz has a long way to go before he’s at that level. He doesnt take a lot of penalties to hurt his team, he only has 10 pims this year, but like I mentioned before he has a good active stick and tends not to get himself into penalty trouble. He has certainly turned down is turnovers compared to last year, and seems to be making smarter decisions and is learning its more important to put his line mates in a better position, then to always look for the big play. But like I like said he’s still learning, and that can cause a few selfish plays on his part. Fans still have to be patient , he hasn’t played full NHL season yet.


Offence: A+

The kid is a stud, there is no doubt about it, he is going to be an oiler for a long time and his game is only progressing. He is a great skater, and skates the puck up with ease most nights, head up and eyes focused on his target. When I watch him play, he is almost always looking directly at who he’s making his pass to, he establishes the eye contact and its right on the tape. He is very smart offensively with the puck, gets the puck to the net, isn’t always trying to take a slapshot, and worries more about getting to the net then the big cannon. He has a great sense of when to jump up into the play and try to spark some offence and for a defenseman he has great hands. Doesn’t have the hardest shot but its accurate. He hasn’t quite put up the points this year, but he has missed 8 games and has 10 points in 20 games. If his game keeps progressing, there is no stopping him from being a top d man in the league.



Justin Schultz’s, defensive game hasn’t been the best since coming here, but he is still learning and adjusting to the NHL game. He hasn’t even played a full season yet. Since he is such an offensive defenseman and not a physical one, when he pinches it makes it easy for guys to blow right by him if he misses, causing a few too many odd man rushes.If he could add a little more physicality to his game, he would become a little less predictable and just adds another element to his game. He again is steadily progressing his defensive game, but still has some key setbacks. He needs to be a little harder on the puck in his own zone and like many Oilers defenseman, he needs to simplify his game more in his own zone and not think so much. He is like most our defenseman, so worried about turning the puck over and making the wrong play. He has too offensive of a mind, and needs to slow his play down a bit and has to realize he cant always rush the puck up, and a simple 6 foot pass is sometimes a better option. He has also gotten a chance to play the penalty kill as of late, and for an offensive guy, he has surprisingly played rather okay. He has battled and doesnt seem to hesitate like he does 5 on 5, puts a real emphasis on getting the puck out. Night and day to his 5 on 5 play


Overall Grade: B

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