Oilers Trade Talk-Stay Or Go Part.1


So, we on theOilersrig are a bunch of fun people. We decided to do a series call, should he Stay or Go. Each writer discussed whether each Oilers player will stay with the club. Or if they were going to be shipped out. For the season opener of the 2014/15. So in this series we discuss if players should stay with the team, or if they should be gone for numerous reasons.

To make it even more fun. We are going to have a poll at the end of it. I mean, what’s the point of doing something like this if the reader isn’t involved. So when all the players have been discussed, you can let it be known if you agree or disagree with our opinions. So not only is it something we all participated in. But we want you to be a part of it as well.

We each expressed if a player should stay to start the season in Edmonton. Or if they should be traded, bought out etc.. But we didn’t do goalkeeping. All of us were pretty sure that both keepers were going to start the season in Edmonton. Two new goalies battling it out to prove they are starters, that’s going to be fun to watch. To start things off is Centers.


#89 Sam Gagner


Boris: GO

“His ship has sailed in Edmonton. The Oilers need a two way Center with size, Gagner needs a second chance.”

Dave: Stay Probably

“To tough to call, but unless the Oilers can land a big fish at one of two center, then I don’t see Gags going anywhere. Hopefully he can rebound off of last seasons miserable campaign. Remember he has a no movement clause that starts July 1st.”

Jackie: GO

“Samwise!! I love this kid. I really do and man he’s had some bad luck to start the year. When he came back from the broken jaw, he wasn’t the same. The guy is a MAJOR defensive liability and he’s a hobbit. Not a good combo for a second line center. He’s mediocre in the circle and just isn’t the guy the Oilers need. Sorry Sammy…it’s your time. But I know you’ll be back to haunt the Oilers. Just don’t get eight points in one game against us okay?”

Alex: GO

“Sam has been in Edmonton through the toughest years in franchise history. But has certainly been a good soldier. That being said, the guy is a wreck defensively and doesn’t do enough to be a good second line center behind Nugent-Hopkins. The Oilers need a different kind of player right now.”

Shawn: GO

“Gagner was my immediate favorite after he was drafted. He was the first young player to bring Oilers fans hope. The first “Star” player they drafted. But the years of losing have seem to taken effect. He needs a change and we need more grit in our top six.”

So this starts out with a bang. Gagner get’s four “goes” to one “indifferent”.


#51 Anton Lander


Boris: STAY

“Still fourth line potential but if MacT can find a 3rd line Center and slide Gordon to the fourth line, Lander could be at risk.”

Dave: STAY

“He needs to stay in the minors to develop. Have a full season in OKC. Maybe he’ll get it, maybe he won’t but I’d wait a season or two before officially writing him off.”

Jackie: GO

“I have no emotional ties to Lander. he’s just okay. He’s a bigger guy, but he doesn’t usually use it. He’s not bad offensively, but not great. He’s defensively sound…sometimes. He looks lost a lot of the time and I don’t see a fit for him long term. He’s done well in OKC, but again NOT a superstar.”

Alex: GO

“I like Lander, I really do, but the Oilers really hurt this guy’s development. He’ll need NHL reps, and the team probably isn’t inclined to give him it after another lackluster NHL stint. Lander needs a fresh start and the Oilers need more sure things on their NHL roster.”

Shawn: GO

“Lander is a guy I liked at first, he seemed to have a passion to win. But all the passion in the world doesn’t matter when you can’t back it up. Time to try and get something for him before the rest of the NHL realize the same thing.”

So the vote for Lander is three GOES against two STAYS. Close, but “throw him off the island” takes it slightly.


#27 Boyd Gordon


Boris: STAY

“Behind Hall, the Oilers MVP last season.”

Dave: STAY

“He’s the best and only real defensive forward on the team. I’d like to see the Oilers have him on the fourth line, But either way he’s capable at both spots in the line up.”

Jackie: STAY

“The most consistent faceoff winner the Oilers have. Good on the fore check, the penalty kill and defensively responsible. He’s not an all star but he’s perfect for the third or fourth line center position.”

Alex: STAY

“Arguably the best defensive forward in Edmonton and possible MVP of the last season. Gordon was a warrior for the team and did so many things right. He’s exactly the kind of bottom six center that a winning team would have. The Oilers need more, not less, Boyd Gordon type players.”

Shawn: STAY

“I don’t like all this talk of having Gordon on the fourth line. Especially with a $3M price tag. he’s a third line checking forward in my books. But he is essential to this team. The only guy who can do all the things needed to help win. Defensive speciality that can pitch in a few points each year.”

And with the first concisions choice. Boyd Gordon is the ideal bottom six center.


#26 Mark Arcobello


Boris: STAY

“Showed well enough to play anywhere you need him. Prefect role player as a 13th forward.”

Dave: STAY

“Stay in the minors and a call up option for the top six. Moving him to the wing might be key here, as it will be tough to see if he can clear waivers when sending him to the farm team.”

Jackie: STAY

“Maaan do I wish Arco was bigger. When Gags was out, he stepped in and filled the hole in a huge way. Rolling on the second line when he didn’t have a lot of NHL experience and really didn’t miss a step. Arco played less games than most and yet still had the most hits on the team for the majority of the year. That either speaks volumes for him…or is a really sad stat for our team. He plays big, he can score and defensively responsible. While I wouldn’t keep Arco in the line up, I would keep him within the organization because he can fill a role when he has to. Playing with the young guns will make him that much better.”

Alex: STAY

“Many think that Arco can replace Gagner. While I don’t think this is the case, he is a GOOD hockey player. He’s proven everything he can at the AHL level, showed very well in his NHL stint this past year and signed a one way deal. I can see him being the fourth line center this coming season.”

Shawn: GO

“Arcobello is a player that deserves a legitimate shot playing in the NHL. Not on the fourth line, but as a top nine forward. He outplayed most players when he was here last year. But because he is exactly like our other forwards he won’t get a shot here. So either he plays in the NHL here, or he deserves to somewhere else.”

So that is four STAYS to one GO. A lopsided vote.


#93 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins


Boris: STAY

“One of only two top six centers the Oilers have had since the ’06 run. He’s still a pup and the future is bright.”

Dave: STAY

“This kid is going to be great some day, and soon. it appears he was adding some bulk during the season and if he continues to do that, then great. One knock on him is his physical play, but he does have a bit of a mean streak. Just watch him around the other teams defenders, he gets a lot of extra shots when the refs aren’t looking.”

Jackie: STAY

“NUUUUGE! This kid is only going to get better. He needs to put on some weight and get a little tougher but the vision this kid has on the ice is ridiculous. he’s a natural playmaker, his two way game has improved each season and he can score. Lil baby face stays.”

Alex: STAY

“This is a no brainer. RNH is the center with the most potential in Edmonton by a country mile. He’s got future top line center written all over him. While he struggled at times this year, he kept showing flashes. Let the wild horse run free, this kid is darn good.”

Shawn: STAY

“His comparisons to the “Magician” in Detroit were pretty good. He is getting better each game. He already is showing a major improvement in his 200 foot game. He just needs to figure out how to balance his offense and defence. When he does, he will be a true number one guy.”

To the second consensual STAY goes to RNH. Voted a core piece of this team.

That brings us to the end of the Centers. We have two unanimous Stays in Nugent-Hopkins and Gordon. Next up will be Right Wingers.

Thank you so much for reading. Remember there will be a poll at the end of this if you disagree with any choices. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter and goodnight


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