The Clown: A Burkian Vision of the Draft


One of my most ardent 2014 NHL draft wishes is that the Calgary Flames will do something hilarious and stupid.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been mulling over what big show of force Brian Burke might make to prove once again that he swings the biggest hammer in town.

Florida apparently is accepting offers on the 1st overall pick. That’s got to perk Burke, no?

And then… I saw something interesting.


Burke: I have a question for you. How did you tie your tie?

Virtanen: Oh, this?

Burke: yea.

Virtanen: I tried with one-hand.

Burke: I’m impressed.

Here’s Brian Burke impressed:

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(click all images to embiggen)

Virtanen: “I know. I barely can do it. It’s hard but…”

Other: “I think he’s asking you to go over there and teach him.”

General Amusement. Look at this general amusement!

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Virtanen: “No, I know, it’s hard. I’m telling you. I only can lift my arm up like…”

Burke: “I’ve had both shoulders done and I couldn’t tie a tie. I’m impressed”

here’s Burke, again, impressed:

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So… here’s Burke, noted flouter of tie convention,* reminiscing about his own frustrations post-shoulder surgery and sitting in warmly lit awe of young Jake, one-handed tier of ties.

*Does Burke and his relationship to ties remind anyone else of those ridiculous bicyclists who ride with their helmet dangling from the handlebars?

Forget for the moment, that Virtanen, in the midst of all this jocularity, told a minor fib (he didn’t tie his tie, his mom did).

Look at the warmth radiating from Burke.

This kid had Burke in the palm of his hand from the moment he told his story about trying to count to 5 in Finnish.

And, make no mistake. Burke is a man that loves a story that warms his face with impressed feelings.

Perhaps you’ve crossed paths with his story about Trevor Linden? Here’s a recent telling of the tale:

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Ah, the dividends of Kevin Westgarth! They just keep coming!

Burke is the man that made the word “truculence” famous in hockey circles. He’s a man that likes big, mean hockey players. He’s a man that likes to be told a story that leaves him impressed and warm all over.

The Flames currently pick 4th overall.

The Flames have a recent penchant for making picks from the “we’re smarter than you” pile.


Virtanen is currently sitting at 8th overall in Bob McKenzie’s latest list. 7th in Redline’s. 10th in ISS’. 7th in McKeen’s.

Barring some late movement, Virtanen would be something of a reach pick at 4th. It’s not crazy. But, it wouldn’t be the work of a prudent manager either.

My hope, however, is not that Burke reaches to take Virtanen ahead of schedule. My hope is that Burke takes Virtanen because of that warm glow that came over him in an office room in Toronto when Virtanen walked in and told him a story or two.

It wouldn’t be the player and the pick order that would make this amazing. It would be the reasoning.

Let’s go back to that Linden story for a moment. Before waxing poetic about the dividends of Kevin Westgarth, Burke makes mention of the size discrepancy between Calgary’s own Hitmen and Flames:

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“Our junior team, the Calgary Hitmen, is bigger than our team. That’s not good.”

What are the chances Burke, hired by the Flames in September, 2013, had Calgary Hitman Jake Virtanen (6’1″ 210) in mind while making that statement?

What are the chances Burke watched Virtanen play in his building this year and dreamed of a big, scoring winger who could make him feel warm and impressed?

Brian Burke is Going to pick Jake Virtanen with the 4th Overall Pick

And, he better hope those 45 goals (an impressive 33 at even strength!) aren’t the result of an unsustainable year of shooting luck.

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