Oilers Rig Radio Podcast 2/17/15

The Oilers Rig Radio returns with another podcast, hosted by myself and Jackie Dawson. This week on the show, Jackie and I talk about Edmonton’s crazy week, as the team went 2-3-0 (before Winnipeg) and played some of it’s best hockey, and some of it’s worst hockey.

We also talk about F Taylor Hall, his impact on the team, and could he be moved moving forward? We touch on Todd Nelson’s impact on the team, while also touching on what might happen with D Jeff Petry in the next two weeks.

This week, Lowetide joins the show to talk Hall, summer moves, Nelson and recent play. Is LT concerned about Hall’s injury history, does he foresee any big moves coming this off-season? Find out inside.

Also, Josh Rimer returns to the podcast to give his thoughts on a number of Oiler related topics, including Petry’s possible destination and what Edmonton is looking for this coming summer.

You won’t want to miss this action packed episode of the Oilers Rig Radio Podcast! Listen in below:

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