Oilers Rig Radio Podcast 4/8/15

The Oilers Rig Radio returns as Jackie Dawson and I talk Oilers in the final week of the season. In the second to last episode of the year, we talk about some pressing topics in Oil Country.

The luster of the Oilers three game winning streak faded away as the team was smacked in California and by the Flames, we break that stretch down. Also, we make our picks for the final playoff spots in both the eastern and western conferences.

Do the Oilers have a character problem? Jackie and I discuss it this week.

Lastly, Jonathan Willis joins the podcast to talk about a number of topics, including the Oilers 2013 draft class, the coaching situation after the season, and the most pressing need for the off-season.

You don’t want to miss it! Listen in now!

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