Oilers Press Conference Thoughts

On Monday afternoon, the first set of answers from the Oilers’ “audit” was let loose as GM Craig MacTavish spoke to the Edmonton media at his year end press conference. To say the least, this press conference was quite disappointing. MacTavish said some substantial things, with the headliner being a message to prepare for another disappointing season in 2015-16.

To me, that is unacceptable. What exactly did he say that led me to this conclusion? We’ll touch on it, but first let’s look at some other highlights from MacT’s less than stellar media appearance.

“The atmosphere at Rexall Place this year, given the circumstances, was incredible. Our fans are exceptionally classy & supportive.”

MacT opened up the press conference by thanking the fans, which is a very smart move. Edmonton Oiler fans have been nothing but supportive of this team for years, and have seen nothing in return. People pay absurd ticket prices, only to be slapped in the face with a product that wouldn’t fly in many AHL cities.

He better be thanking them, because he’s on the verge of losing them.

“I don’t know that I’ve seen a transformation like that in all my years in hockey.” – On Nail Yakupov

Nail Yakupov looked like a bust last season and at points early on this season. He looked like a player completely in over his head, and a guy who was a lost cause. In the last half of the season, Yakupov emerged as a legit NHL forward of note, and is no doubt a top-six option for Edmonton next season.

The Oilers signed him to a two-year extension earlier on Monday, signaling that he is seen as a legit part of this team moving forward. MacTavish is right on this, Yakupov’s turnaround was a huge plus in a lost season. It was unexpected, but a huge relief.

“We’ve had quite a few changes in our amateur scouting procedures… I’m confident we’ve got it right.”

Right or wrong, we knew this was going to happen. Bob Green, former GM of the Edmonton Oil Kings, was promoted to the director of player personnel, basically overseeing the entire scouting department. Edmonton’s scouts came under fire in a big way this year, so we knew changes were coming.

Thing is, Edmonton’s amateur scouts haven’t been that bad. They’ve hit on a majority of first round picks, while players like Martin Marincin, Tyler Pitlick, David Musil, Dillon Simpson, Greg Chase, Bogdan Yakimov and Anton Lander are trending upwards in a big way.

That said, it’s one change which was bound to happen. What exactly transpired, we do not know, but I suspect we’ll get a better idea come draft time.

One scouting area which I think needs to be addressed? The pro scouts, who have done a horrible job the last number of years. I’ll be interested to see what becomes of them.

“I don’t think we’re that far off. I don’t think I’m naive in saying that… But we do need some critical pieces.” – MacTavish on the Oiler Roster

In April of 2013, when Craig MacTavish took over as the GM of the Edmonton Oilers, he mentioned that he didn’t think the club was that far off. Two years, two terrible years, later, he is saying the same exact thing. Sorry, but they are not close Craig, they just aren’t.

The one good part about this quote? MacTavish understands that there are some critical pieces that need to be obtained by the team. He’s 100% right on that, with those pieces being a starting goalie, two top-four defenders and a top-nine NHL forward. Those are critical, substantial pieces.

“We’ve got to make some additions (on the blueline)… Make no mistake, we have the assets to go out and acquire proven players.”

Thank you, thank you SO much Craig. Yes, this team needs to make some, not a, but some additions to this blue-line. Edmonton’s defense is the worst in the NHL, and does not posses a top-pairing. Edmonton badly needs a number one defender, someone like Brent Seabrook, to come in and stabilize this young unit.

Look, I know it is tough to make trades in the NHL, but Edmonton badly needs to address this area of the roster. Whether it comes via free agency or trade remains to be seen, but he clearly hinted that trade is the preferred route here.

MacT is right, the Oilers have the assets needed to acquire the player that they need. What remains to be seen is whether or not Edmonton is willing to do that. I have my doubts, but we shall see. If Edmonton wants to improve next season, at least one impact defender needs to be added.

At least MacTavish admits that this area is an issue, which is progress. MacT also went out of his way to say that he envisions a potential scenario where a top-two defender becomes available, which is a substantial bit. Who that defender is, we might never know, but it’s clear MacT has at least pondered someone in his mind.

“When I look at Oscar, what I think is we need a couple more of him.”

Yup, bingo. Oscar Klefbom is money, and is going to be a great defender for the Edmonton Oilers for years to come. I’m glad MacTavish realizes this, and I hope he adds Klefbom to his core group of players, he is going to be a stud at this level.

I’m a little surprised Martin Marincin wasn’t included in here. I thought Marincin played well towards the end of the year in a tough spot, and I think he’s going to be a good NHL defender. I’m a little worried it won’t be in Edmonton however.

“They’re going to determine their own level. I don’t want to put a ceiling on them.” – MacTavish on Darnell Nurse and Leon Draisaitl

This is fair, no doubt about that. I think MacTavish would like these guys to start the year in the AHL, based on previous verbal, but he isn’t going to completely ignore them as NHL options. I’m okay with this, in fact I agree with it.

If Nurse and Draisaitl earn their roster spots in training camp by outperforming actual NHL players, then fine. The problem I would have is if the Oilers fail to address holes again and hand both Nurse and Draisaitl jobs, then that is just incompetent management by the Oilers.

Leave the door open for these guys, but do not hand them roster spots. I think that is what MacTavish is doing here, which is absolutely the right move. Will his actions back up his words? We’ll have to wait and see this summer.

“We’re going to see what that landscape looks like and then we’re going to make a decision.” – MacT on coaching situation

Again, smart decision by MacTavish. Todd Nelson is a solid candidate for the job, but he should not be handed the opportunity. Edmonton can’t make the wrong decision here, and checking the market is the right move, 100%. There could potentially be a rock-star coaching option willing to come to Edmonton.

I’d rather have Mike Babcock, Todd McLellan or Ken Hitchcock coaching this team, and all three of them could be on the market this summer. Nelson is an awesome fall back option here, but Edmonton could land that coveted veteran coach. I think that’s MacT’s goal for this summer, but again, we’ll have to wait and see.

“It’s going to be a very busy summer.”

Yeah, it’s going to have to be, because staying the course isn’t much of an option right now. If Edmonton doesn’t get busy this summer and fills holes, it could be another long season next year in Edmonton. MacTavish can’t afford inactivity, and certainly can’t afford to be wrong, or it is going to cost him his job.

“I foresee modest improvements next season, I expect it to be another development year.”

Does this line scare you? It should scare you, because it is Craig MacTavish promising more of the same next season. He’s focused on developing young players, and does not have his sights set on the playoffs, for the tenth straight season. That, that my friends is completely unacceptable.

Now, MacTavish could mean next year is devoted to developing the young core, keeping them intact and building around them, which is the right move. You can do that, and you can still be competitive next season, in fact this is the course of action I hope the Oilers take.

Now, if by developmental year MacTavish means developing pieces around the core, then he should be fired immediately. That is wasting yet another season, and effectively seals the fact that this organization has pissed away a decade without even a single playoff game to show for it. That’s beyond unacceptable, if I ran this team and that was the plan, I would have fired him the second he finished speaking.

Oilers fans, this very well could get worse before it gets better. There were some real good things in today’s presser, but there were somethings that should make you want to cry. This is a team that appears to not be trying to win hockey games, that is a crime, it truly is.

We deserve so much better my friends, we really, really do.

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