Steppin’ to the AM (After McDavid)


The above picture is of Catal Huyuk. It is a Neothlitic proto-city which archeologists think existed between 7500-3500 BC (or BCE, depending on when you went to school). Over time, this settlement hit its’ peak and then slowly began its’ decline. Oiler fans are all too familiar with a slow and painful decline. So much so that many of us began believing that nothing would ever change and we would forever be in a losing cycle. Then something happened that no one saw coming- with an 11.5% chance the Oilers won the McDavid lottery! Soon after, the old guard was swept away and it felt like the team started anew. A new era was upon the team; the “After McDavid” or “AM” era. We are only at the beginning of the 26th day AM and already you can see that some fans are having trouble adjusting.

Enter the head coach debate.



When news broke Friday that Mike Babcock was granted permission by Detroit to speak to other teams, you could almost feel the elation across the City of Edmonton. It was a forgone conclusion that since we had McDavid, to go along with Chiarelli and Nicholson, Babcock would choose Edmonton and the Oilers meteoric rise would continue through the off season. There was a small speed bump on Saturday morning when it was announced that Matt O’Connor, the coveted NCAA goalie, had decided on Ottawa rather than Edmonton. Since it was very doubtful that O’Connor would make his mark on the NHL for at least a season or two, the young player choosing another location didn’t seem to deter fans. We were about to land Babcock!

Then Saturday evening, none other than Elliotte Friedman, tweeted that the Oilers were already hot in pursuit of Todd McLellan. McLellan, who is a successful graduate of the Detroit organization, is widely viewed as the second best free agent coach behind Mike Babcock (if indeed, Babcock chooses to become a free agent). Sunday night in his “30 Thoughts” Friedman wrote:

2. Peter Chiarelli and Todd Nelson had a lengthy meeting on Saturday. The Oilers aren’t commenting about their situation, but several sources both in North America and attending the World Championships say Edmonton is concerned about waiting for Babcock and not getting him. As a result, they are working on closing a deal with Todd McLellan. At this point, it’s as much up to the coach as it is to the Oilers, but at least one other team pursuing McLellan was hearing Saturday that a deal was close, if not done. Whatever the case, Edmonton is making it known they will close on him rather than wait to talk to Babcock.

Judging by social media and texts between buddies, there were a few Oilers’ fans who weren’t thrilled that Edmonton may end up with McLellan.

*record scratches*

This is an example of how fans aren’t adjusted yet to the AM era. 60 days ago, in the BM era (‘before McDavid,’ fitting that BM can also be the short form of ‘bowel movement’), fans would have been absolutely thrilled if we knew the team would be in the running for a coach like McLellan. Now in the AM era, for some, the pendulum has swung fast and hard in the other direction the expectation is now that the Oilers, by right, should get every elite piece which comes on the market. So much so, that some don’t want a veteran coach who: trained in Detroit under Babcock, is known as a power play specialist, and is currently playing Crosby between Hall and Eberle and the World Championships; nope, that isn’t good enough. To those people I’ll say, “calm down.”

I get it. It would be amazing to have Mike Babcock in Edmonton. On that, you will get no argument from me. However, what the Oilers are showing for once, if the reports are true, is good management. There are no guarantees that Babcock will actually leave Detroit. Additionally, there are no guarantees that if he does, he will select Edmonton. McLellan meanwhile is an actual free agent equipped with an impressive resume; the type of resume that fans have been calling for every time the team hires yet another first time NHL coach. Now, for some, that resume is just not good enough.


At the dawn of the AM era we are witnessing the Oilers go through an evolution. New leaders, new (yet to be named) coach, and a new superstar to bring up the level of the other talent surrounding him. As fans, we have to evolve too. The negativity of watching so many missteps and almost a decade of no playoff hockey has made us a pretty jaded and pessimistic group. We have to guard against swinging to hard the other way where we become Leafs’ fans who assume that every coach, player, and manager in hockey inevitably wants to come to Toronto just because it is Toronto. A coach who we would have been elated to have 60 days ago is still a coach we should be elated to have now (if he signs here).

The AM era is going to be fun. I haven’t been this excited going into a hockey season since I was 10 years old (28 years ago). Whether its Babcock or McLellan, I’m just as excited. Either would be the best coach behind the Oilers bench in a long time. I’m actually more interested in what Chiarelli has up his sleeve to address the defense and the goaltending. I’d say the Oilers have a 11.5% chance of landing Seabrook and Anderson, but in the AM era, I like those odds.

Really Long Run for MS

As a person living with Multiple Sclerosis I am very fortunate. I still play hockey, run, and do most everything I was able to do before I was diagnosed. For me the worst symptoms are fatigue (sometimes extreme), issues with my balance, and constant numbness in my hands and feet. However, I am one of the lucky ones and many with this disease find simple things like walking next to impossible and there are many who can’t walk at all. Every spring my wife and I ride in the MS Bike from Leduc to Camrose. This year I have decided to run the 85 KM (one leg of the MS Bike) in a single day two weeks prior to the big ride to raise money and awareness. On May 23rd, 2015 I will begin the run in the wee hours of the morning and be met during the day by others who will run portions with me (and hopefully keep me sane and motivated). All money raised will go to the MS Society of Canada. If you would like to know more, donate, volunteer, or even join me for a portion of the run you can get more information by clicking here.


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