Oilers Rookies versus Golden Bears Post Game

Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen

Mountain View


I was in attendance tonight as Connor McDavid and the Edmonton Oilers rookies faced off against the defending National Champion University of Alberta Golden Bears. I will also admit at the outset that I am a huge and unapologetic fan of both teams. I’m a hockey fanatic and I live in Edmonton; there is no way for me to be anything but a fan of both. My Twitter handle may be @oilersaddict, however it could just as easily be @universityofalbertagoldenbearsaddict as I’m just as excited to watch either squad throughout the season.

I could also easily tell you that the Oilers rookies outmatched the Bears as expected. I could easily tell you that a game featuring (quasi) professionals versus amateurs shouldn’t matter and that the Oilers side should have won anyway. However, that would be selling this game and the athletes involved short.

The University of Alberta Golden Bears are a dynasty without comparison in Canadian University sport. However, they are underrated by local hockey fans and media despite going to the national championship three years in a row and winning the last two. Most local fans erroneously assume that the local WHL squad, the Edmonton Oil Kings, are the second best team in town despite the fact that the Bears feature a number of Oil King and WHL grads. The Golden Bears are comprised of men who have played the game at the highest levels outside the professional ranks.


In fact, despite their loss tonight, the Bears hold a 13-12 edge in the series against the Edmonton Oiler rookies and unlike many of the previous contests, the Bears were facing a team which featured: a potential generational player in Connor McDavid, a Memorial Cup MVP in Leon Draisaitl, and a key member of the World Junior team in Darnell Nurse.

Tonight’s game was no typical rookie game.

I could recite and regurgitate the box score which you can find here. I could try to appeal to your logic and tell you that the Bears actually outshot the Oilers. I could even try and convince you that the play was relatively even despite the 6-3 final score. However, that would miss the point.

Mountain View



The point I’m trying to convey is not some misguided notion that the Bears are better than the NHL Oilers. What I am trying to impart is that they are a team worthy or your attention and a great team to see live throughout the hockey season. They managed to outshoot, and for the most part, match the play of some pretty big name prospects and the Bears also reside in your own back yard.

Connor McDavid is in a class all to himself which was evident tonight. Leon Draisaitl is a world class playmaker. Darnell Nurse looks like the presence the Oilers have needed on the backend since someone asked out of town in 2006. These guys are great news for our city and hockey fans throughout the Capital Region. They’re world class athletes without question.

However, don’t forget about your Golden Bears. They proved tonight that they can play the game as well as anyone. The added bonus is they are accessible for everyone at the University of Alberta and they compete year after year after year.

Love the Oilers and learn to love and appreciate the Golden Bears.

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