My Top 10 Wishes For Oilers Fans

It’s the time of year when people around Edmonton and all over the world turn over a new leaf and start a new year. This year I thought it would be nice for me to send you, the Edmonton Oiler hockey fan, my top 10 wishes for you.

It’s been a bit of a mixed bag for us fans of the mighty Oil this season – from the euphoric highs of getting Connor McDavid (I remember where I was when I found out, do you remember?) to the pitfalls of countless losses, jerseys tossed on the ice, and bad contracts being played out on the ice.

What will 2016 have in store for us Oilers fans? Here’s what I wish for us all…


  1. Resolution To The Dead Weight Contracts – It seems that time could resolve the issues with Niki Nikitin’s and Andrew Ference’s horrific contracts, but in Ference’s case there may need to be a bit more of a nudge as he has 1 more season after this one.
  2. An Affordable Ticket Option at Rogers Arena – One of my biggest issues with the new arena, and a broken promise from Oilers Entertainment Group, this is something that the Oilers need to address. Even if they do 100 or 200 tickets a game at ‘affordable’ pricing, there needs to be some type of opportunity for families to experience a game live without it breaking the bank.
  3. A Nice Goodbye to Rexall Place – The old barn has seen more than its fair share of memorable moments. I am pretty confident that the Oilers will continue the tradition of excellent productions in these types of events.
  4. A More Relaxed Fanbase – Yes, I am talking to YOU. and me. And ESPECIALLY those on social media. I don’t know if people have become more extreme and fanatical because of social media, or if social media has simply exposed those fanatics on a wider scale, but I think that most of us could benefit from just taking it easy in 2016 and not having the Oilers’ performance wreck an evening/week/month. OK?
  5. Stable, Consistent Goaltending – I don’t think that it is feasible for any Oilers fan to expect someone to come in and have a .930 save %. Let’s just get someone who is a fairly consistent goalie who can play 55 or 60 games a year and have a .910 save %. Is that too much to ask?
  6. Continued Development of Scouting & Farm System – I think that this is something that is happening and will net great results over the next 3 to 5 years. It will become more important for the team to draft later round players and develop them slowly as they improve in the standings and end up with lesser draft picks.
  7. The Inevitable Trade of a Top 6 Forward – Some Oiler fans may disagree, but it will be best for the team if they can get good value back on a trade for one of their top 6 forwards. 2 ways the Oilers will benefit from this is by bolstering their defensive corps coming back and by eliminating one of the small forwards that they have 1 or 2 too any of. GM Peter Chiarelli’s track record shows that he isn’t afraid to make a big trade, so I see this happening.
  8. 3 More NHL Calibre Defenseman – This would bring the team up to 5 NHL defencemen – ha ha. It would be great to have 2 top 2 dmen come to the team, but the reality is that 1 new dman for each pairing that actually can play in that role will be a huge improvement.
  9. WINS! – Isn’t that what it’s all about? We had a sample of how the city has a bit more of a bounce in its step when the Oilers win. Remember that winning streak in December? Good times….
  10. Health and Happiness – to the Oilers fans, their friends and families. All the best to you and yours in 2016!





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