Embarrassing Oilers? We’re Past That

The showings from the Edmonton Oilers were embarrassing three years into the rebuild. SIX years into the rebuild? Well, folks, we’re past embarrassing, it’s not even in the rear-view mirror anymore. This is just a sick joke now, there is no other way to phrase it.

The Oilers are in 30th place once again, completely unacceptable for a team that was expected to at least be in the chase at deadline time. Now we are once again talking about the first overall pick in the NHL entry draft come June. Want to talk about embarrassing? How about going to that podium for the FIFTH time in seven years to pick first? OUCH.

On Tuesday morning, Oilers GM Peter Chiarelli met with the media and publicly announced that he would be selling at next week’s deadline. He also mentioned how there were some underachieving players on the roster and that they could be in danger of moving. He also said he wasn’t against moving a member of the Oilers ‘core’ group come the off-season.


Chiarelli draft

Just hours after the above comments, and much more that we will touch on later today, were said, the Oilers came out and laid an egg against the Ottawa Senators. Outside of a strong stretch in the final two minutes of the second period, the Oilers were beaten up by a struggling Senators team.

There were boneheaded decisions and, quite frankly, players that turned in pathetic showings for a fifth consecutive game. The usual suspects came, went through the motions, and then left. The Oilers, in theory, iced an entire NHL lineup last night, but I’d suggest only about 30% of it actually showed up. Pretty sad, especially after the GM made it clear he wasn’t happy only hours before hand.

If you thought Peter Chiarelli was angry, here is Todd McLellan’s reaction to the difficult night.







The coach is a veteran who has spent time in numerous different levels and who has had success everywhere he has been. He has a Stanley Cup ring, learned from arguably the best coach in the game today while in Detroit, and had a lengthy run of success in San Jose. He knows what a good hockey team looks like and how it acts. To him, it’s obvious this isn’t a good hockey team and he’s sending a clear message.

To me, this is the most telling and most important rant from an Oilers coach since the never ending rebuild began during the 2009-10 season. Todd McLellan has given the players on this team a challenge, no, a choice. Hunker down and give it your all or get the hell out. About time, really.

Enough showing up and going through the motions, enough feeling sorry for yourself, it’s time for this group of players to dig deep and actually work to get better. The GM will not be blamed for this, nor will the coach and his staff. This completely falls on the players.

When you combine McLellan’s post-game comments with Chiarelli’s comments from earlier in the day, one thing becomes very apparent. Big changes are strongly being considered in Edmonton and the men in charge are NOT happy with this current group.

Buckle up folks, we asked for change and we are about to get it.

Good on McLellan for speaking up and letting his displeasure be known. I’m sick of watching this team act like ‘The Walking Dead’ most nights, I can only imagine what McLellan feels.

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