My top ten Oilers fights


Top Ten Oilers Fights

There isn’t much going on in Oilers news today, so I thought I’d put together a selection of some of my favorite Oilers fights of all time. Now I realize not everyone likes fighting in hockey, and many people would like to see it removed from the game completely. I understand and respect that position, but it’s one I don’t share. I enjoy a good hockey scrap, and if players are willing to throw down, I’d like to see it remain in the game.

I do believe the role of the enforcer is being phased out, and it’s debatable if that’s a good thing or not. I’m not sure I believe the narrative spun by some that players being able to “police themselves” has a positive impact on the game at all. Presently, the rules around fighting have made things safer for everyone, and there are few players left in the league whose sole role is that of designated face puncher. That’s a good thing, in my opinion.

That being said, let’s get started. I chose these fights out of personal preference, and didn’t poll fans for their input. These are just fights that stick out to me as classics (for various reasons).

#10: Sheldon Souray vs Craig Weller

I remember watching this game on TV, but I don’t remember what set Souray off. I always liked Souray, and I was extremely excited when he signed with the Oilers. Needless to say; I wasn’t happy with the way that relationship ended. I tend to blame management for that situation. As for the fight, there’s not much to say. Souray makes short work of Weller, and there was later some controversy surrounding the fact that Souray was wearing a wrist brace during this scrap.

#9: Dave Semenko vs Tim Hunter

You could probably make a top ten list of Semenko and Hunter fights by themselves. I just picked this one because it’s a marathon. Semenko pulls some dirty tricks and knees Hunter and throws a dirty punch after the fight is broken up (and even attempts to kick another flame during the ensuing scrum at one point). Hunter goes the distance and fights clean. Decision: Tim Hunter.

#8: Georges Laraque vs Aaron Downey

I thought about selecting a Laraque vs Boogaard fight for this list, but there are so many of those you could probably make another top 10 list, so I went with Downey. You have to hand it to Downey here for staying on his skates after the first few punches from Laraque. The winner? I don’t think I need to tell you.

#7: Marty McSorley vs Tim Hunter

A classic from the 80’s, these were two of the toughest players in the league at the time. I’m not sure you can pick a winner here, as both men go toe to toe and fight to the point of exhaustion. McSorley lands a couple more punches, but in the end I call it a draw.

#6: Dave Brown vs Bob Probert

Another classic featuring two tough customers. Probert might be the best fighter in the history of the NHL, and he shows it here. Brown hangs in there at first, but Probert demolishes him in the end.

#5: Luke Gazdic vs Brian McGrattan

This is such a great scrap. I don’t think there’s any question that McGrattan wins it, but the respect shown between the two players is top-notch. Gazdic thanks McGrattan for the fight, and McGrattan gives Luke a pat on the head at the end. Credit goes to Gazdic for hanging in there as long as he did.

#4: Louie Debrusk vs Marty McSorley

This is another marathon fight, but both guys land significant shots. Debrusk is more well-known these days for his work with Sportsnet, but he could throw down with the best of them during his time in the NHL. I’d have to call this one a draw.

#3 Steve MacIntyre vs Raitis Ivanans

This is just a brutal, brutal scrap. At first it looks like Ivanans is hanging in there, and then Smackintyre literally breaks his face. Ivanans would suffer a broken orbital bone in this fight, effectively ending his career. Steve Macintyre would later have his own orbital bone broken, sidelining him for months and subsequently ending his time with the Oilers.

#2: Darnell Nurse vs Hunter Smith

I couldn’t pick the beat down Nurse gave Polak in good conscience, since Polak was effectively jumped. In this fight, Nurse finds a “willing combatant” in Hunter Smith, and shows his mean streak to the whole league by exploding Smith’s nose to close out the fight. Decision: Nurse.

#1: Steve MacIntyre vs Brian McGrattan

Some might question this fight being #1 on the list, but I think it’s justified. It’s a marathon between two “nuclear deterrents” and it appears as if McGrattan is going to whip Macintyre thoroughly. Macintyre seems to catch his second wind, and feeds McGrattan a series of brutal punches near the end of the fight. In the end I give the decision to McGrattan based purely on what he did to Steve’s face.

So there’s my list. I didn’t include bench clearing brawls in this list (although I was tempted). Did I miss a fight? Do you disagree with my rankings? What are your favorite Oiler scraps of all time? Let me know in the comments or @ me on twitter.

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