A Fresh Start – Rig Edition

NHL: NOV 21 Bruins at Blue Jackets

As the Oilers get ready to embark on their first season in Rogers Place, we here at The Oilers Rig are looking at some fresh starts as well. Over the next month or so you’ll see our new features come to life, and we’d love to hear what you have to say about them.

Rig Radio

We are very excited to be starting our podcast again. the last episode we recorded was in January, so we thought it was a good time to get going on that again. We’re pleased to welcome Trin James back to the Rig as the host of our podcast; you might remember him from some writing he did last season, but he’s back with us as our full-time mouthpiece.

If you have any suggestions for topics for the podcast, please don’t hesitate to let us know on our twitter account (@theOilersRig), or you can get in touch with Trin directly via his own Twitter (@PotratzHockey)

Rig Rant

If you’ve been a reader of the Rig for a while, you might remember a feature we did called “Rig Rant”, where Jackie went around twitter and compiled the best and brightest Oiler-related tweets on a weekly basis. We’re happy to announce that she’s going to be doing that again this season, with posts every Sunday morning.

If you want her to find what you’re saying, make sure you @ us at our exclusive Rig Rant twitter account (@TheRigRant).

Unnamed Rig Video Blog – We Need Your Input

We are super excited to announce that we’re introducing a regular monthly video feature, hosted by the very talented Kelin (rhymes with sailin’) Flanagan. She’s going to be writing for us as well, but her main focus is going to be hosting our (as yet unnamed) Rig TV show.

In order to put this show together, we’ve enlisted the help of Kieran Lyttle from Production 71, and while he’s a Flames fan he’s got some great ideas to help us get our content out there to a broad audience.

If you’ve got any ideas for content for the show, or know of any out-of-work bloggers who like to talk on camera, let us know in the comments or on Twitter.

***We are also looking for a name for this feature. We asked a few days ago on Twitter, but if anyone has any ideas (not Rig TV or Oil Change), please let us know. If we use your suggestion, we’ll send you a free Oilers Rig tshirt. ***

Other News

Once the Oilers season gets going, we’ll be doing post-game wrap-ups, mostly put together by our very own Kjell Iverson. He’s got some great ideas and we’re looking forward to having even more content out there for you to enjoy.

Look for each of our regular writers contributing to a series of posts (on a topic of their own choosing), posted regularly throughout the season. Rather than just sticking to Oilers news of the week, these series will allow our writers to find their own interests within the world of hockey.

We’re always looking for sponsors, so if you or someone you know might be interested in your company’s ad being displayed on our site (or mentioned in our podcast or video blog), please email [email protected].


Contact Us

As always, please don’t hesitate to tweet at us (or DM us) if you’ve got feedback. Our individual twitter accounts (and some email addresses) are on the Authors page.

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