Oilers Rig Radio 2016-17 Episode Four: Featuring Ryan Robinson “Blog Man Ry”

Your host Trin Potratz talks to Edmonton Oilers Video Blogger Ryan Robinson “Blog Man Ry” to discuss his upcoming videos and the latest in Oilers news.


-Who is Ryan Robinson and why you should be watching his video blog
-Connor McDavid is captain!!!!
-Social media wars and whiners (cough Travis Yost)
-Reminiscing about the 1997 Oilers and the 2006 Oilers
-How important accountability is in an NHL organization
-Are the Oilers the most injury-prone team in the league?
-Is Griffin Reinhart more project than he is prospect?
-Who is the 7th dman? Gryba or Benning?
-Patrick Maroon is ready to be a big part of the team
-Will the Oilers make the playoffs this year?
-Who are the top 5 captains in Oilers history?

We want to be interactive with our listeners and readers, so if you would like to ask questions for us to answer on the next podcast, feel free to direct message me on twitter @PotratzHockey

Here’s the link the Ryan’s video blog on YouTube

Here’s the link to Ryan’s latest video “Analytics vs. Culture”

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