The Rig Rant – Social Media Recap – Oct 30, 2016


Welcome to the fourth edition of The Rig Rant!

By now, I’m sure you know that every week, we search for the best, worst and most hilarious tweets and compile them all into one amazing article for your viewing pleasure. You can expect to see the latest Rig Rant every Sunday morning for the 2016/17 season.

Now, for all you newbies out there, it does make life a lot easier if you tag us in your Oilers venting tweets for a shot at being featured in the article. The search for great material is exhausting! So help us out would ya?

On Twitter, you can find us @TheRigRant or you can tweet @JackieDee16 and she’ll make the magic happen.

Week four of The Rig Rant features tweets from The Heritage Classic, and wins against the Winnipeg Jets, the Washington Capitals and the Vancouver Canucks leaving the Oilers finishing up the week with a 7-1-0 record. UNPRECEDENTED!! Fans were extremely happy and now more than ever it’s become evident that this team is making people horny feel things…in places.

Again, we try to limit the McDavid weekly love-a-thon but he’s just too good – not that we’re complaining. However the love affair with Cam Talbot is steadily increasing as well.


Many of these tweets contain horrible language. We can’t be held responsible if your children read this article and start swearing at your TV (or you).

Let’s get it started…


The Heritage Classic held an alumni game last weekend in Winnipeg where the old school Oilers and Jets faced off against one another. It’s always a pleasure to see the dynasty Oilers play. Here are some moments and reactions from the game.






Even our friend from good old Rexall Place made the journey to Winnipeg!



The Oilers battled back, but unfortunately lost the game when Teemu Selanne was awarded a penalty shot (thanks Simpson).



Despite the Oilers alumni loss – long time locker room hero Joey Moss was having a great time!



Regardless of how the game finished – this sight will never get old.




The next day, it was time for the Oilers and Jets of today to face off in the great outdoors, but they had a little trouble getting the game started!







If a delay was going to happen – Winnipeg and Edmonton fans were the two fan bases that could definitely handle it. They love the game, they love their teams, and they love each other….right?



Finally, after a two hour delay, and despite some less than ideal ice conditions, it was time to get this party started!







This next goal meant more than just a 2-0 lead for the Oilers. What you can’t hear is the warrior-like screams between McDavid and Nurse that just shows you how excited these kids are to be playing hockey and playing it well.






The Oilers decided to run away with it after that. Here’s a look at the goal that gave them a 3-0 lead





Heading into the third period, the Oilers had a healthy lead…but what would happen next??


Really though – it didn’t matter because by the time this game was over…






Um – excuse me? LEADING THE LEAGUE??



This really came as no surprise either…


Now it was time to face the Capitals. A team that would definitely give the Oilers a run for their money, especially with some guy named Ovechkin on their team.



With the Oilers in the lead, we asked people to give us a first period summary in gif form….





I think it’s safe to say that fans were excited (except for that one guy that seemed a little bored). There always has to be a “THAT GUY”.

Moving on – the second period started out with some spectacular Talbot robbery!



Just when we thought Nuge had finally put one in the back of the net…



Second period in the books and there was a whole lot of Pou…




Heading into the third, with the Oilers up by two…and BOOM…another goal!!


Really – what Rig Rant article would be complete without some “I’m in awe of McDavid” tweets?





Twitter got a little excited after the Oilers managed to pull out another win…


So the Oilers were now 6-1, but there were some wise words from Captain McLightning to keep their focus.


Now the Oilers hit the road to beautiful British Columbia to face off against the Canucks. A team that is very well disliked in Oil Country. How would the Oilers fare? It’s not possible for them to grab another win…is it?






Then there was that time that a (typical) Canucks fan started talking trash and the Oilers themselves decided they would respond. The tweet, however, was quickly deleted – but not quite fast enough!




NOW PREPARE YOURSELVES!!! We have to tell you something.

McDavid is fast and Talbot is from another planet.



Even the Canucks and their fans know awesome when they see it!






Yeah – we’re just going to go ahead and have a McDavid/Talbot love fest here. Enjoy!








Ok ok ok – it can’t ALWAYS be about Connor. Let’s talk about how the Oilers sat on a 1-0 lead for what felt like an eternity, despite some very good chances!




After the Canucks empty net proved to be one of the best players for Vancouver all night (Ryan Miller excluded), the Oilers finally managed to pot the insurance goal.




So now, the Oilers sit in second place OVERALL, one point behind Montreal who is off to a stellar start as well.





Now we leave you with some very wise advice.




What do we have in store for you next week? The Senators visit Edmonton tonight and then the Oilers are off to Toronto on Tuesday where I’m sure the media will try to tell us that Matthews is better than McDavid (insert eye roll here).

Then the Oilers hit New York on Thursday to face the Rangers and Saturday to face the Islanders. It’s going to be a busy week – but we’re anxious to see if we can hit double digits in the win column.

Remember to tag @TheRigRant or @JackieDee16 for your shot at making the next Rig Rant article. Hit us with memes, gifs, or just overall hilarity.

Thanks for reading! See you next week!



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