Oilers Rig Radio 2016-17 Episode Eight: Are The Oilers For Real?


Trin recaps the third week of the 2016-17 Oilers season which saw the Oilers go unbeaten with an incredible 3-0 record to extend their winning streak to five games. Fan favourite guest Kris Hansen returns!

-Don’t use food colouring as fake blood. It stains your skin.
-The Ottawa Senators get a bit of a preview here, because Kris is a closeted Senators fan. Haha, Oilers first though.
-With a weak Pacific division, do the Oilers have a realistic chance to make the playoffs?
-Cam Talbot may not be human. Kind of like that Connor kid.
-Milan Lucic has found yet another level to his game.
-The Nuge line has finally found offence.
-Trin and Kris argue about what to do with Jesse Puljujarvi.
-Darnell Nurse has kept his game simple and he is developing into a great NHL defensemen.
-Nick Ellis is doing well in Condors town.
-Who is the biggest surprise in the NHL so far this year?

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