Oilers Rig Radio 2016-17 Episode Ten: Pete Bauer of The Oil Refinery Fan Forum

Philadelphia Eagles v New England Patriots

Trin chats with Oil Refinery Fan Forum creator Pete Bauer. Bauer started the page as “Kevin Lowe Must Go” during the dark ages of the 2013-14 Edmonton Oilers season.

-How did the Facebook page come to fruition?
-How did the movement progress?
-Bauer discusses the out-of-body like experience running the page was
-How the billboards and full page ad in the Edmonton Sun became realities
-How the page turned into the Oil Refinery Fan Forum
-What does Bauer think of the current Edmonton Oilers?
-Does Bauer believe the Oilers are ready to make the playoffs?
-Can Bauer beat Kris Hansen’s rapid fire score?

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