Oilers vs Ducks Post Game Recap


The Edmonton Oilers trotted into California for a match with the Anaheim Ducks in an effort to end their current three-game losing streak.

The Oilers controlled the play for the majority of the game, but ultimately were unable to find the net. This team is due to find their groove again, and maybe losing four in a row is the perfect cocktail to success.

Edmonton unfortunately saw four pucks go into their net and were only able to muster up two goals. One of which was an illegal high stick.


-First minute of the period and the Oilers did not allow a goal! Growth!

-Connor McDavid uses his speed once again and sets up the first big chance of the period with a hard shot from Eric Gryba that stings John Gibson. McDavid’s stick looks twice his size as well. Gives him another advantage.

-Zack Kassian lifts a stick and gets a penalty. Bad call, but the Oilers will go to the penalty kill.

-The Ducks have their chances but the Oilers ultimately kill the penalty off.

-Gryba and Nurse, caught flat footed at their own blueline and Getzlaf makes a quick pass to Nick Ritchie who goes in alone and puts it past Cam Talbot. 1-0 Ducks, even though the Oilers have controlled the play for the majority of the period.

-Antoine Vermette gets a stick in on Leon Draisaitl and the Oilers head to their first power play looking for the equalizer.

-Matt Benning sends the puck on net and it is tipped in the net but Leon Draisait’s s
tick was above the crossbar. Oilers need to find a way to score legally badly.

-The Oilers go into their second power play and move the puck well but are unable to generate a decent chance. Former Oiler Andrew Cogliano almost get a two on oh, but Cam Talbot comes up big.

-Another weak call on the Oilers with Benoit Pouliot heading to the box for grazing Kevin Bieksa with his stick. On the ensuing power play, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins makes a rush and a sneaky shot shorthanded that almost resulted in a Zack Kassian rebound goal but he is stick checked by Sami Vatanen.


-Early in the second, Zack Kassian almost had a break but makes an odd errand pass to Draisaitl that ultimately killed the chance.

-Eberle and Manson head off for coincidental hooking penalties leading to some rare four on four hockey.

-On the ensuing four-on-four Cam Fowler finishes off a three-on-two rush following a Connor McDavid chance. 2-0 Ducks.

-Zack Kassian attempts to spark his club by taking on Josh Manson and Kassian took a few hard rights but ultimately came out on top. Kassian skates by his teammates and states “let’s F#*!%ing go boys.” However, because of the initial cross check, the Oilers will go back to the penalty kill.

-On the ensuing power play Ryan Kesler scores. I’m angry at this moment.

-Patrick Maroon takes a solid feed from McDavid but is turned away. Moments later McDavid goes in all alone and is also unable to hit the twine.

-Anton Slepyshev starts buzzing around in the offensive zone and gets a few good chances but once again the Oilers luck runs dry. Well, at least their good luck.

-Milan Lucic capitlizes on a turnover by the Ducks in the offensive zone, but the good luck continues to run dry as the puck rails off the post and out.

-Eberle, McDavid, Maroon, Nurse and Gryba control the play for a good 45 seconds and once again are unable to find the mesh. Beginning to think the Oilers made a deal with the Devil in the 80’s in return for over thirty years of dumb luck.

-The Oilers finally get on the board as Leon Draisaitl displays the patience he has made his trademark and feeds a hard pass to Zack Kassian. Cam Fowler tries to intercept the pass and in doing so directs it into his own net. Finally got a bounce!!! I’m slightly happier. 2-1 Ducks.

-The Oilers don’t take their foot off the gas peddle with Adam Larsson, Oscar Klefbom, Connor McDavid and Patrick Maroon get solid chances. It will come.

-Second period ends with the Oilers outshooting and outplaying the Ducks in all aspects of the game. They can do this…I believe…I really do.


-The Oilers begin the third period continuing the strong play from the end of the period. They dug a hole but didn’t give up a goal that was necessarily a brain dead defensive error aside from the opening goal. Karma has to come around soon.

-Anton Slepyshev has been moving his feet really well tonight. He deserves to stay in the lineup.

-Matt Benning has a rookie moment losing the puck in the offensive zone, but is bailed out by Talbot.

-An ill-advised pinch by Klefbom leads to a four-on-one that results in the score becoming the same. 4-1 Ducks.

-The Oilers run to a power play after exchanging chances with the Ducks and pummel the net. Heading to a 5 on 3 after Cogliano gets a high stick. Here’s the chance.

-………and it’s gone.

-Hard to watch. Getting into battles on every possible matter of social media….Oilers are a good team but they are still learning. McLellan will get them back.

-It’s over. The Oilers had a game much like the last four games. Outshooting and outplaying, but unable to find the twine. It is what it is, and the boys will bring their best to the Kings.

-I’m an optimist and we all need to realize the Oilers extremely low shooting percentage of late is bound to change. The Jonathan Slow (Quick-less) Kings are next. End this losing streak fellas and bring back the bandwagoners.

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