The Fan Experience, featuring Jackie D!


For this week’s column, we hear from the Oilers Rig’s very own Jackie D, who is been an Oilers fan all her life and can’t imagine cheering for another team. 
1. How long have you been an Oilers fan?

My whole life, or as long as I can remember anyways. Somewhere around 36 years 

2. What prompted you to start cheering for the Oilers?
My parents. I grew up cheering for the Oilers. When I was about 5, my Dad would quiz me on NHL teams and what city they were from. The first thing I learned was the ABC’s…Anybody but Calgary

3. What is your first real memory of the Oilers?

My first memory was actually the Wayne Gretzky Golf Invitational. I must have been about 6 years old and I remember meeting Wayne and Semenko and thinking how cool it was to see them as people and not in hockey gear

4. Did you have a favourite player when you first started cheering for them? Who was it, and why did you pick him?

Gretzky was my favorite for obvious reasons, but then I started to really love watching Messier because he was such a tough guy that could also play. When I was about 10, I started to fall in love with Petr Klima. I loved his number, I loved the way he played and for some dumb reason, I liked making fun of his helmet lol. 

5. Has it been hard maintaining enthusiasm for the team over the last few years?

It hasn’t been easy being a fan of the laughing stock of the NHL and I find it harder and harder to defend the Oilers. Over the past few years, I find myself drifting into the land of “I don’t Care” around January. Last year I was the same but started to perk up a bit when McDavid came back. This year I had higher expectations for the team but was also realistic as I know they’re still missing some pieces. Right now it’s the social media “fans” that I can’t handle being around. They expect way too much from this team. Chia walked into a nightmare that he has to work through (thanks MacT/KLowe)…he can’t solve it all in a season or two. I just worry that eventually, I’ll lose all hope and that sucks. 

6. What’s your favourite memory of seeing the Oilers live?

Playoffs. Period. I was at the game when Paul Lorieau held the mic up and let the fans sing the anthem. I remember the look on Bryzgalov’s face when the crowd was singing…he just laughed and shook his head. That atmosphere was electric and I’ve never felt anything like it. Ever. 

Second, was the Oilers home opener at Rogers Place. It was amazing to be there…and when it turned out that the Oilers smoked Calgary, it was that much sweeter. 

7. Do you think the Oilers are on the path to a Stanley Cup, or do they have more work to do to get there?

Way more work. They are still missing some big pieces. Solid backup goalie, RH d-man and someone that can consistently score for McDavid. 

They also need to figure out how to compete (sorry, lack of a better term) for 60 minutes, stop turning the damn puck over and learn how to defense as a team. They’re improved, but McDavid, Draisaitl and Talbot can’t do it all. Especially with 3 other 6 million dollar men on the bench (Nuge, Ebs, Lucic). 

8. What transaction (since 2006) would you change if you could? Why?

Smytty trade. It looked like a win on paper for the Oil who got back Robert Nilsson, Ryan O’Marra and a 1st round draft pick…but in actuality, they traded away the heart and soul of the team. I mean…look how good O’Marra and Nilsson worked out!! 

The guy stood in front of the net and broke his jaw taking a puck in the face, and I’m not sure he missed many games. He would have done anything for this team, he loved being an Oiler and he WANTED to be an Oiler. 
Plus I loved him, and still do. They broke my damn heart
9. What’s the best part about being an Oilers fan?

McDavid. I like bragging about him, being amazed by him and remembering that he’s only 19 years old. I soooo want to watch him raise the cup one day soon (as an Oiler lol). 

I also love that no matter how shitty the Oilers are, fans still go and watch the games. We may bitch a lot, but we’re a diehard fanbase. 

10. If you had to pick another team to cheer for, what would it be and why?

LA Kings. They’ve been my team to cheer for in the playoffs since the Oilers are never in it. I’m a huge fan of good old Canadian boy Drew Doughty. I also love the fact that Gretzky being traded to LA turned it into a hockey town in (what felt like) overnight. 

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