Oilers Postgame: Oh man… Not Again

postgame phil

Final Score: Carolina 2 – Edmonton 1

Ugh. I said it last night, let me repeat it once more. Damn you All Star break. Damn. You. This slump that has occurred after the break is remarkably frustrating. Tough to understand… especially when the team we were watching before the break had so much jump, so much flare, so much attack. This team, the team over the last 3 years, is just not the same.

Don’t get me wrong, the Oilers did have some sloppiness in the 2 games against California prior to the break, but at least they were scoring. Since they have returned, the mistakes have been present, but the ability to score has been absent. In the last 3 games, the Oilers only have 3 games. Not even Cam Talbot can bail them out when they are making mistakes and slumping in the scoring that department that bad.

I think the biggest problem that can be observed over the past few games is just way too many players, in a time when the heat is cranking up, performing just… meh. Way too many average, unemotional performances when passion is needed most. This has to change, and rather quickly. I fear the game on Sunday… seriously.

But… even in the wake of the anger following tonight’s game and the 3 games before, it is important to remind ourselves that slumps do happen. They are scary, frightening, and will deprive fans of their sleep when they come in a playoff run… but they do happen. Let us hope that this little poor run here is just a minor slump that is soon to be corrected.

Will Leon Draisaitl find his game after a couple poor nights where he has looked inefficient, sloppy and just off? Likely. Will Sekera, who for the past 3 games has not at all looked like an Oilers’ MVP candidate, find the game that propelled him to 25 points in ~50 games? Probably. Will at least one of Pouliot, Lucic, or Eberle find their way out of shooting percentage hell? One would think so, yes.

So… moe than likely, tonight’s game against the Hurricanes was more along the lines of a representation of the slump they are on, as opposed to what this team is capable of. The problem is that this little slump comes at a time when the LA Kings and the Calgary Flames are finding a bit of a spark. The pressure is on.

The Oilers will have to find a way to rebound on Sunday, as unlikely as it may seem. Sunday afternoon, in Montreal, on a 3 game losing streak. The recipe heading into this one is u-g-l-y. How the Oilers respond in Quebec on Super Bowl Sunday will probably be pretty indicative of how the rest of the year plays out. Find a way to win? Proabbly good times are a comin’. Lose again? Well the struggle just very well may be real.

Oilers Player of the Game

The only player I really want to compliment tonight is McDavid. His legs were buzzing all night long and he was trying his best to will his team to victory. Larsson on the backend also had a few positive moments. But for the sake of the player of the game… it has to be McDavid. The kid just refuses to go 3 games without scoring. Scroll down to see his beauty of a goal.

Quick Highlights

  • Adam Larsson made a beautiful defensive break-up of a Carolina 2 on 0 that could have ended disastrously for the Oilers. Yes, I have started the Larsson fan club and everyone is invited!
  • My God McDavid, you are magnificent. The Oilers first goal of the game, coming around the midway point of the 2nd, was a remarkable thing of beauty. Remember to say your daily thanks to the hockey God for #97’s presence. Let’s take a look at the precious…

  • Sloppiness is still rampant in this team’s game. Whether it be the mistakes that lead to Carolina’s first goal, or the offensive zone penalty that Eberle took to give Carloina their second goal on the Power Play, mistakes were present. Clean it up, boys!
  • One thing that you really start to take notice of when the team is struggling: missed shots. Not only do the passes not connect, and the turnovers come in bunches, but the shots just seem to miss at will. Very frustrating.
  • I am tired of this stretch of bad hockey. Please Oilers, bring back the exciting times of just a few games ago. These low event games, while losing, make for very boring evenings.
  • Tweet of the night… Even though it stings:


Up Next: Super Bowl Sunday in Quebec

Please Oilers. Do not give an effort like last year’s Super Bowl sunday where you lost 8-1 to the Islanders. Please… just anything but that. Thank you.

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