There’s Nobody Coming, And Matt Harvey Might Be Going

MLB: Washington Nationals at New York Mets

The news keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it? We’re at the eve of the Winter Meetings and instead of rumors about signing players who could help the team, we get hints that the Mets are basically not going to get anybody. According to Joel Sherman, the Mets aren’t going to be aggressive in their pursuit of a reliever or a second baseman, they’re not going to get a big time first baseman, and getting a starting pitcher is “the fourth need on a three-need list” where the first three needs are reliever, second baseman, and first baseman, where they’re not going to be aggressive.

“Our farm system right now is not brimming with prospects.”

Oh and also, their prospects suck. Terrific!!!

But that’s not all: Kristie Ackert of the Daily News is reporting that the Mets have spoken to teams about trading Matt Harvey, while he’s at the bottom of the barrel in terms of value, for a reliever.

They are willing to move him,” one source said, “and they said they wanted to try and flip him for a reliever. They seemed more willing to move him then (Robert) Gsellman or (Seth) Lugo.”

The way the Mets play up their assets combined with the season that Matt Harvey had in 2017, I can only imagine the quality of this reliever coming back. And how sad will it be when the end of Matt Harvey’s Mets career comes not with a ring or even a big free agent contract but instead, a trade for some reliever with a 9.24 ERA in AAA who Dave Eiland thinks he can fix in ten minutes, because the Mets would rather keep Robert Gsellman.

But if there’s good news coming back in all of this, it’s that at least the Mets have stopped playing with our emotions. They’re basically saying: “Look, we have no money, we have no prospects, and you’re stuck with what we have. But we have Mickey Callaway and you loved him so much that we’re going to capitalize on that and depend on him to fix this roster with a wave of his magic love stick and teach everybody how to throw Doc Gooden’s curveball. Amazing that coming from a GM who is on board with the idea that the manager is nothing more than a middle man, they seem like they’re going to wind up putting a lot on Callaway’s shoulders without giving him so much as a bottle of BioFreeze to soothe his back muscles … aching from carrying a huge responsibility.

Callaway deserves better.

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