12 Days of Christmas-Number 1 D man


I know its a lot to ask, but why is this christmas wish, so hard to get???

For todays Christmas wish, we are going to discuss the elusive number 1 d man, heck even a number 2 d man.

Matt Niskanen

Now I know this is a tall task, but its do able, now im not asking for us to go out and grab a Shea Weber or Alex Pietrangelo, im asking for the Oilers to go and grab a Michael Del Zotto, Andrej Sekera, Matt Niskanen..guys that are 2/3/4 guys that are ready to turn the corner and become a 1/2 guy , get them while they are cheap and before they turn. Now we may have to trade, but we can certainly look at some options in the offseason to sign, like Matt Niskanen in Pittsburgh. It seems he is finally reaching that high potential he had in Dallas, he is playing solid defensively and hes obviously putting up some points playing with the best player in the world. Right now he is getting tons of minutes and having some games close to 30 minutes and hes reacting well to the ice time, and is showing no signs of slowing down. In my mind hes Target number 1 this off season if the pens dont resign him.

This team so very badly needs a top defender, someone who can come in and calm the backend down and have some poise back there. The Oilers need someone to create some confidence out there, be able to make a good first pass but be able to recover if its turned over. Someone who isnt going to break down and lose his defensive assignments, someone who the rest of the defence can learn from and can make this whole defence core better. Right now the Oilers have no one, the have Andrew Ference, but he just doesnt have the right support, hes a solid defender but hes been ask to do too much right now, and its showing. This defence has gaping holes that need to be filled. This team isnt going to get better by continuing to sign 5/6 depth defenseman, they need to take a leap and overpay and grab someone that is going to help this defence in a drastic way. They are guys like Christian Erhoff who are manageable cap hits, and are still in their prime, who are a team rebuilding with an already up and coming defence core. He is a guy who could be had for a few forward prospects and our first rounder, and hes well worth it.

Aside from a Competent #1 goalie, this teams biggest concern this year, should be going out and grabbing a big time defender either via trade during the season or an off season signing. This teams defence has been just awful this year, aside from Toronto we have the worst defence in the league. Its filled with 5/6 guys or 4/5 guys who are being asked to play top minutes and a bigger role then they should be. We have young inexperienced offensive minded defenseman , who are been great for jumpstarting our offence, but have hurt us way too much on the defensive aspect. These guys dont have the proper support they need, and it doesnt help their defensive coach, has been god awful since day 1 and developing a competent NHL caliber defenseman. He seems to just sit there and make Eakins make all the adjustments and worry about the developing. He isnt a very active guy on the bench especially when a player messes up big time, he dosnt appear to take the time that these players need. Thats been a big part for this defence this year and a big reason why brining in a top defenseman is a good idea, they have a mentor on and off the ice, and hopefully a new defence coach who can help preach defence, a guy like…..Charlie Huddy…hint hint…

Id like to see Mac t and management go after : Christian Erhoff, Matt Niskanen, Michael Del Zotto, Dan Girardi, Kevin Klein…just to name a few

Who do you think they should go after?Let me know in the comments or on twitter @madi39

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