12 Days Of The Oilers Rig Christmas – New President Of Hockey Ops


Today I’m playing the role of Oil Country’s favorite Santa. Look Oilers fans, you are all a great bunch. Everyone one of you has supported this team through one of the worst stretches ever seen in the NHL. Once this nightmare season ends in April, the Oilers will have missed the playoffs for eight straight seasons, closing in on a record of bad hockey never before season in the NHL.

There has been one common denominator through these last eight seasons, and that is President of Hockey Operations, Mr. Kevin Lowe. Oilers fans are no doubt on the nice list this year, while Lowe is at the top of the naughty list with his name written in MacT style BOLD. Oilers fans deserve something nice this year, and I’m about to give it to you all.

I put in a call to Santa and he is ready to assist everyone. The gift I’m giving today is directed at Oilers fans, it is the removal of Kevin Lowe as the President of Hockey Operations, and a new front office person coming in.

Lowe’s Last Hour:

You might say you know a thing or two about winning Kevin, but it is quite clear that only applies to you as a player. As a member of the front office, Kevin Lowe has been a flat out disaster. There are car wrecks that look prettier than Lowe’s resume in the Oilers front office.

Credit where it is due, Lowe built the 2006 Oilers himself and it was really impressive. He swung great deals for Mike Peca and Chris Pronger thanks to circumstance, and was able to nab Jaroslav Spacek, Sergei Samsonov, and Dwayne Roloson during the season. Lowe did an awesome job that year, but outside of that it has been pretty ugly.

Lowe retired following the 1997-98 season, and joined the Oilers coaching staff as an assist to Ron Low. In 1999, the Oilers relieved Low of his coaching duties, and promoted Kevin to the head coaching job, which he would hold for just one season. When Glen Sather left for New York in 2000, Lowe took over for Glen as Edmonton’s General Manager, thus starting this era.

Since 2000, the Oilers have played 13 NHL seasons, including this one, in 14 years (2004-05 lockout of course). The Oilers made the playoffs in Lowe’s first year, 2000-01, his third year in 2002-03, and of course in 2005-06. That’s just three playoff appearances in 13 seasons. That’s a pitiful track record.

In any other organization, an executive with that kind of record would be fired. There are no excuses for Lowe anymore. He’s been here for just three playoff appearances in 13 years, and has led the Oilers into their darkest era in franchise history.

He’s had his hand in the decision making all these years, and clearly it isn’t working. I’m concerned about the team’s future with Lowe involved, even if he yells and tries to re-assure me that he knows a thing or two about winning.

My gift to Oilers fans today is the removal of Kevin Lowe as the team’s President, and the installation of former NHL GM Neil Smith as the new President. As I’ve mentioned above, it is quite clear that Lowe is not the right guy for this team, and is the lone constant through these eight lean years.

Smith is a smart hockey guy, and certainly deserves another go in the NHL. I get the feeling he is ready to get back into the game too, and I think the former GM, who has built winners before, could be a really good match for Craig MacTavish in the front office.

How realistic is it? Well as much as I’d love Smith to get involved with the Oilers, I just can’t see it happening. That being said, if the Oilers finish in the basement again this season, and that is looking very likely, then I do believe, for the first time, that Kevin Lowe’s seat is going to be very, very hot.

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