A Reminder Is Needed

Baltimore 340

One loss to the Astros doesn’t bother me. As I said yesterday, they’re seemingly not as putrid as they were last season. But two? Well then it’s time to remind the Mets of one very important fact:

They’re the Astros!!! 

Then again, the Astros are probably saying “They’re the Mets. We should be beating them to a pulp.” And that they did, for the second straight night. Jon Niese got clobbered in four innings of work, giving up dingers to Jed Lowrie and Chris Snyder … the latter of which landed somewhere on f*cking Mars. (Snyder’s shot was hit harder than the fire extinguisher in Miami.)

Niese was pulled after three innings as Terry Collins rolled the dice and sent Lucas Duda to pinch hit as the tying run in the fifth, knowing full well that Niese didn’t have his best stuff against the Houston Astros (probably didn’t think he’d need it). It would have worked except for the fact that he can’t hit lefties, and he’s sick as a dog. To make matters worse, he’s been sharing soup spoons or twisty straws with Mike Nickeas because Nickeas was laid up in the hotel with the flu. Aah to have a thin roster in the beginning of May. At least five innings of the Mets bullpen didn’t make the score look like they were going up against Dan Pastorini instead of Brian Bogusevic. But bloody hell, the Mets are one Josh Thole vomiting session away from Mike Baxter putting on catcher’s gear. So please hire someone to taste all of Thole’s food for him from now until Mike Nickeas isn’t gagging on his own phlegm in the middle of the night. (I hear Scott Kazmir needs a job.)

And so much for momentum, as Ike Davis’ renaissance on Sunday in Colorado which continued Monday night, turned into one hit and two strikeouts on Tuesday. This proves that momentum is as big a myth as Bigfoot.

So the Mets have already lost this series against this lame duck National League franchise who has a diminutive second baseman (he prefers “little people”) and one of those games came without their regular middle of their order. I know there isn’t nearly as much at stake now as there was then, but this series is starting to feel like someone is going to get arrested at Cooter’s at the end of it.

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