Active Imagination


Today he beat the Mets farm club.  Tomorrow, and the next 20 years, he’ll get his opportunity to beat the Mets over … and over … and over again with the Washington Nationals.

(Most likely pitching to Bryce Harper.)

So after beating the Buffalo Bisons in his final minor league appearance, the question is this: What number will be higher: The number of career victories against the Mets, or the number in millions of dollars he’ll get from the Mets in 2028 after a Hall of Fame career to win three games for them before he completely forgets where the strike zone is, then retires due to arm problems?

Or perhaps he’ll lose the final game of the 2028 season at home to the Portland Marlins with a playoff berth at stake.

Yeah, I have a healthy, active imagination.  And it’s full of good news as usual.  The Mets visit the Nationals July 1-4.  That might be a bad week for you kids to stop smoking weed* … just sayin’.

*Don’t smoke weed, kids.

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