An American Feast

Baltimore 484

An American Feast

By Jeremy Wright

The American’s and their team would love you to think
That they’re the team destined to be kings of the rink.

The stars are aligning, their future is here!
Every ‘Merican fan is preparing their cheer.

From Ithica to Minny, St. Louis to Plover
They’re counting their eggs. They’re so good! It’s over!

The goals that they score (oooh), The hits they deliver (aaah)
How great is Phil Kessel? The Canadians best quiver!

Quick can’t be beat. Oh! Kane’s the man!
Backes is sooo gritty. And Bylsma… A master plan!

So call the organizers and cancel the rest
The Americans have decided that they are the best.

But as good as they’ve played (The pucks have surely gone in)
Hockey is Canada’s game and this one is only ours to win.

I’ll give in to the fact that your team has been better,
Shooting 16% can prevent a Russian style header

Our depth is unrivaled, even you Yanks can admit
And you can hold them back for a moment but in due time it won’t mean sh*t.

With Crosby out front, we have much talent to show.
Have you seen our blueline?! OMG! Murderers row!

Getzlaf and Perry are formidable forces.
Weber, Doughty, Toews and more! What absolute horses!

Our great team gave us a scare, against that plucky Latvian beast
But I think they were saving room… for an American feast!

The stage is now set and you’ve felt your chest swell
USA fan… The game is ours and always will be…

This is your Olympic death knell.


Thanks for reading. Feel free to share some banter with me on Twitter, @borisnikov, be it hockey or otherwise:)

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