Well that’ll teach me to finish a blog post before the game actually ends. Look, it was out of necessity … I had to leave, so I hit publish. Wouldn’t have made me bat an eyelash if it was your garden variety walk-off by a garden variety triple A player. But Ike Davis hit a walk-off to beat the Yankees. So it had to be acknowledged. Of course we’d like to see this off of Mariano Rivera in a game that means something, but this is fine for now.
The Mets play the Yankees again at 6:30 tonight in Tampa before starting the season at 1:10 on Thursday. The Mets get to start the season with a day game after a night game while traveling. 2012 hasn’t started yet and already I want to ring Bud Selig’s neck. Not a great way for the season to start. So if the Mets were smart, they’d pull all of the important players after three innings, get them on a plane, and finish the game with St. Lucie Mets. And how much do you want to bet that if they do that, the Yankees will complain about how the paying customers wanted to see David Wright for nine innings. Of course they will. You know it, I know it. They will complain when they should thank their lucky stars that one of their hitters didn’t get beaned after Ivan Nova threw at Ruben Tejada’s head yesterday. But this is the Mets we’re talking about, so you also knew that wouldn’t happen.
(Editor’s note: Never mind. They started at noon today. Somebody must have bitched to the right person. The Yankees will just have to find something else to bitch about. Many thanks to a real blogger for tipping me off.)
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