
So if Snoop Manuel fictionally railed over the Jenrry Mejia injury, just think of what we could make up regarding Pedro Beato, Fernando Nieve, Ryan Church and cold spaghetti.

Well, the nice story about Queens kid made good is on hold for two weeks, since Beato has elbow tendinitis.  That leaves Jason Isringhausen as the last remaining option out of the bullpen that doesn’t cause me to put tin foil on my cat’s head … you know, to be safe.  Mike O’Connor takes his place and becomes the only lefty in the bullpen.

That’s right, Tim Byrdak, I said “only lefty in the bullpen.”  What are you going to do about it?  Strike out Aubrey Huff, perhaps?  Yeah, didn’t think so.

In case you missed it, here is the summary of every Tim Byrdak Met appearance to date:

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