Bi-pOILer Fan Base





Let me start by saying this, the Oilers have the most passionate fan base I have ever seen and easily the most nuts(but in a good way…I think?). Whether we win or lose they are always talking about things that could be done to make this team better, wanting nothing more than to win and accept no less. But it seems that nothing pleases this fan base,and I mean nothing. We could have traded Nuge and Eberle for Stamkos and people would still make the arguments about why its a bad trade.Everyone always calls for change and for the GM to actually do something,and make a move.But when it comes time to make that move everyone wants, no one wants to actually give something up to get that crucial piece in return.You must give up to get. A prime example was this weekend, when a character guy and someone whos given a lot to the team over the years was traded in Laddy Smid. Obviously a trade like that is going to stir up some emotions, but it was a deal that had to be done, it was a business decision made by Mac T to clear up space.We finally have a GM whos running this team like a business and who is actually active, unlike sleepy tambo,yet that doesn’t please anyone.We sign a goalie to help with our lack luster goaltending, and before he even plays a game ,people torch him and management and start to call for heads! This team has been atrocious and Mac t is clearly making an effort to better this team, he’s not laying down and that was pretty evident with all the talk about possible trades that were being discussed with Philly.

Tonight I saw easily 60-70 comments on various threads, where people were claiming early in the game “wow dubnyk is unreal, why did they even pick up Bryz? management is awful” to this in 45 minutes,” wow how does dubnyk have a job in the NHL? thank goodness they signed Bryz, great signing Mac t” and mind you these two comments were made by the same person. I watched Dubnyk go from Lundquist status to Jeff Deslaurier status in a matter of minutes.This fan base is so hot and cold with this team and its players, rumblings about one of our kids creates mass panic.I couldn’t imagine what it would be if we actually did trade one of them, Rexall burnt down to a crisp for sure. I myself am in a few big Oiler fan groups and the activity in them is sensational, so much fire and passion in everyone, but thats the problem, no one seems to think with logic but instead thinks with emotion.

I get it, I really do, im one of the most passionate people you will ever meet when it comes to the Oilers and hockey in general, but for me to keep my sanity with this team, I learned to think logically and realistically learning there is always a reason behind moves like Smid’s. What im trying to say is that this fan base has to make up their minds when it comes to topics and be patient and have faith that our management group is doing whats right. We have a brilliant GM, who has done a lot for this team so far, its 17 games in everyone, let him settle in and find his way and feel out what it is to be a GM,especially in a market and high demand fan base like ours. If we want this team to succeed and to fill our gaping voids in certain areas, then this team is going to have to give up a key piece, whether its Jordan Eberle or Sam Gagner, guys like them will have to go.I know its tough telling ourselves to be patient with this team, but for this team to succeed the right pieces have to fall in place and the right mix of players have to be here.Just think, with our gaping holes on defence, we have Darnell Nurse, Oscar Klefbom and Martin Marincin waiting in the wings.

NOW STOP BEING SO BI-POLAR!!!! But I love that passion and fire this fan base shows towards its team, from the casual hockey fan to the super fans like myself,its always great to discuss hockey with our fans, even though some suggestions may be outlandish and crazy but thats because our fans want nothing more then to see the team succeed.
I will leave you with this question: Would you rather be a fan in Florida, Phoenix or even Dallas? we are lucky to have such crazy nut jobs for fans

Feel like yelling at me? hit me up on twitter @madi30 or you can find me in the Edmonton Oilers Fans group on facebook, I’m always in there stirring up a storm!

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