Bryzgalov And The Oilers Part Deux?


In a ten game losing streak and a ninth straight losing season, desperation is starting to set in for the Oilers. Their fans are angry, the media is mad, and the organization knows, even though they don’t show it, that the clock is ticking on them before things get out of hand and this thing goes nuclear, and by that I mean the fans revolt.

Saving the season in terms of the playoffs is just totally a non-factor. It will not happen, it’s damn near impossible in this Western Conference of the NHL, which features power-house teams in LA, Anaheim, San Jose, Chicago and St. Louis as well as hot teams like Vancouver, Calgary, Nashville and Winnipeg. Good luck catching those teams with this kind of start.

That all said, this team needs to find a way to plug some holes and win some games. Another death march is just unacceptable, and these guys must at least show a pulse moving forward. I’m not asking for Shea Weber, but I’m asking for some sort of help in the areas killing this unit. Those areas? Center, defense, and yes, goaltending.

Now, both Ben Scrivens and Viktor Fasth have been much better this last stretch, but these guys were so bad at the start of the season that at least three or four games can be pinned on them. Edmonton could have ten wins instead of six right now, which still isn’t good enough, but doesn’t put them in nearly as bad of a spot.

We know, thanks to reports from people like Darren Dreger and Bob McKenzie, that the Oilers are working the phones hard, and trying to make something happen. According to Dreger, a top priority is center, but THE top priority is goaltending, Craig MacTavish is looking for another goaltender.

On Tuesday night, we heard about the impending return of one veteran goalie to the NHL, a man who recently spent time in Edmonton. The report? It comes form Oilers Now host and team insider Bob Stauffer.

@Bob_Stauffer: Sounds like Ilya bryzgalov will be re-surfacing in the NHL shortly

To me, this is something that needs to be read into. Bob is the guy for Oilers inside information, and he’s the only one, I mean the ONLY one, talking about Bryzgalov and his return to the NHL. That is a telling sign to me, one that indicates that the landing spot could very well be Edmonton.

Does it make sense? To a degree, yes. This is a veteran goalie who has had success in the league before, and done it in the West. Last season, he was actually pretty good with Edmonton, and was even better when moved to Minnesota to play for the Wild. He led the Wild to the second round of the playoffs, where they would fall to the Chicago Blackhawks.

Bryzgalov posted a 12-9-8 record with a .909 SV% last season, which isn’t spectacular, but also isn’t terrible. Wins and losses aside, the save percentage posted isn’t anything earth shattering, and won’t be the difference between a team being bad and a team being great. Sure, he can help you win some games, but he isn’t an elite goaltender, and there is a reason why he is still an unrestricted free agent.

Is he an upgrade over Scrivens or Fasth? I don’t think he is a clear or massive upgrade over either. When all three goalies are right, I’d prefer Ben Scrivens over the others, and I think the Oilers would too. He’s a hometown boy, has shown flashes of absolute BRILLIANCE, has term on his contract, and is under a cap friendly deal. Fasth is a pending UFA however, and has struggled this season. He’s played a few good games (Buffalo, New York, Nashville last week) but hasn’t been good enough for the Oilers this year.

Fasth’s struggles were on display Monday night when Arizona was in town, and have been showing all year long. Personally, I don’t see a way he re-signs, but I still don’t think Bryzgalov is a clear upgrade over him. I’d rather have Bryz, but I don’t think it makes a massive difference for this hockey club if it is Bryzgalov over Fasth.

If Edmonton is going to sign Bryzgalov, they’ll need to trade a goalie, likely Viktor Fasth, and they’ll have to be 100% positive that Bryzgalov is an upgrade and will improve the team. Personally, I don’t see it.

I think there is a chance this happens, but I don’t pull the trigger. Yes, we all want moves, I do too, but stupid decisions will only make this situation worse. Ilya Bryzgalov is not a big upgrade on either goalie, and likely isn’t worth the trouble in an already lost circus season. I wish Ilya the best, but I don’t think the best should be in Edmonton.

We wait.

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