Cam Ward or Devan Dubnyk?

Yesterday over at Oilers Addict, I posted a poll asking respondents who they would like to be the next starting goaltender of the Edmonton Oilers. The poll included the usual suspects we’ve been hearing: Craig Anderson, Cam Talbot, Martin Jones, Robin Lehner, and Anti Niemi. I added two more choices to this list. One was Devan Dubnyk which I added expecting very few, if any, votes and possibly a few angry comments. The other directed respondents to add their own selection to the comments if they felt I had missed anyone. I wasn’t surprised by the overall results with 40.3 % (191) of voters (as of writing this) wanting proven veteran Craig Anderson. I was shocked that 48 voters (10.13%) wanted soon to be free agent Devan Dubnyk back. I was also a little bit surprised that a commenter added Cam Ward’s name to the list. Are either Dubnyk or Ward viable candidates?


Devan Dubnyk is a non-stater because of the scenario in which he left. Publicly flogged by MacTavish in the 2013 off season and then posting his worst regular season numbers since his rookie year. He was dumped for an over 30 bottom six player in the form of the useful Matt Hendricks. Dubnyk was then brutal in Nashville and then again on Montreal’s farm team. He rebounded this season with Arizona and posted very Dubnyk like (historical) numbers with a 2.72 GAA and .916 SP. Rather than having a goaltending controversy with incumbent Mike Smith, Dubnyk was moved to Minnesota where he caught fire and posted career bests of a 1.78 GAA and a .936 SP. He topped it off with a nomination for the Vezina. Based on the season he had in Minnesota, it is understandable why fans of any team would want Devan Dubnyk. However, a portion Edmonton fans are not typical fans- once they’ve turned on you, no amount of statistics, logic, or rational arguments can get them back on your side.


When Dubnyk was traded from Edmonton, I didn’t like the return. It is not that I don’t like Matt Hendricks as a player, but I felt trading a mid-tier starting goaltender (based on historical numbers, not last season), who was a former first rounder and a player the team spent almost a decade developing, for an on over thirty grinder was poor asset management. At the time, to say my opinion was met with hostility would have been an understatement. I still have the same argument with a few buddies where their point is that even though Dubnyk has rebounded in a spectacular way and the Oilers have a major hole in net, the trade of Dubnyk for Hendricks was still a good trade, “at the time.” That said, I doubt Dubnyk will be able to maintain his pace from this season. He will probably regress to around the .915 SP goalie he was for the bulk of the time he was the starter in Edmonton. While the Oilers could really use a .915 SP goalie, it won’t be Dubnyk as I can’t see any circumstance where he would want to come back. Additionally, due to the positive fanfare when he was traded, I am shocked that there are fans who want him back.


The Cam Ward suggestion would have caught me off guard as well if a buddy hadn’t suggested it a few weeks prior. I will admit, I didn’t follow the Hurricanes at all this season and the perception I had was that Ward’s days were done. However, despite playing on a poor Carolina team he managed okay numbers of a 2.40 GAA and a .910 SP. His save percentage was his best since the 2011-12 season. He carries a 6.8 million cap hit, but its only for one more year and he is an unrestricted free agent next summer. If the Hurricanes are willing to eat some salary and Ward could be had for draft picks, who knows? I’m sure the Sherwood Park native wouldn’t be Chiarelli’s first choice, but would Ward be a reasonable bet for one season? Ward does check off the boxes of being a proven starter and, as we all remember, has won a Stanley Cup. I still don’t know how I would feel about the team adding Ward, but I will say it is an intriguing possibility. I also think the likelihood is low, but far stranger things have happened.

It is probably more likely that the Oilers will either make a move for a player like Talbot, Anderson, or Jones (ever notice how many times Stauffer mentions Jones on his show?), or make a big play for a free agent like Niemi. My preference would be a proven starter and not another up and coming backup, however, that will all depend on what both the trade and free agent market make available.


Really Long Run to End MS

On May 23rd, I am running from Leduc to Camrose (82km) in a single day to raise money for the MS Society of Canada. I have MS and my hope is to raise money and awareness. If you are interested in learning more or donating, please visit


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