Can’t Complain


Well, maybe I can complain a little.

Because it’s amazing how now that Jose Reyes is hitting (two home runs on Saturday), the rumblings have started about his celebrations and how he’s spurring the other team to play better because they’re upset.  Seriously?

Yeah, the team that employs Joba Chamberlain is going to care about on-field celebrations.  Oh that’s rich.  What’s richer?  The Phillies are actually enjoying on-field celebrations.  Yes, really.

And any Met who says a peep about Chamberlain’s antics after striking out David Wright in the eighth can just stop.  Because if you don’t want him to dance, get a hit.  You don’t want Reyes to gesture wildly?  Get him out.  Plain and simple.  Somehow, I doubt a word will be said out of the Mets clubhouse.

The Mets lost on Saturday, first loss in over a week.  But besides the fact that the loss was to the Yankees, which inherently makes me want to throw large objects off tall buildings, it’s okay.  It’s okay not only because the Mets are closer to first place than last place (much closer), but because the hypocrisy is starting once again.  And even though it drives me insane, it must mean the Mets are pretty good again.  I guess I’ll take that trade-off.

Now back to your reguarly scheduled bitching and moaning.


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