Choose Your Own Second Baseman: Hands and Knees


You make the ultimate sacrifice. You give Luis Castillo a call and see if he would be willing to come back. You figure: why not? He’s getting paid for doing nothing, why not give him a chance to resurrect his career and win back some fans in the process?

But Luis isn’t going to come back without some concessions on your part.  After all, Castillo is living the good life while getting paid to do nothing.  And you already rejected him once before begging for him to come back.  So he has a list of demands:

  • Luis wants an extra million to go along with the six he’s already bleeding from your payroll.
  • He wants access to the Wilpons’ party bus (which they received after having to trade in the private jet) to go anywhere in the city to hang out when he’s not starting.
  • He requires the option to never have to take a pre-game ground ball again.
  • Shake Shack at his locker before every game.
  • A lawn chair (?)

To acquiese to Castillo’s demands, click here.
To come to your senses and go with what you have, click here.

Not sure how you got here?  Click here to go back to the beginning of this baseball adventure.

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