

Let me start this by saying I’m not a fair-weather fan. I consume more Oilers related info than I care to admit. It borders on an addiction, especially considering the losing we’ve endured as fans of this team. I may not have watched as many full games as the next Oilers die hard over the last several years, but that has more to do with lifestyle and young children than a lack of desire to watch (although this team has done a pretty good job of stomping on that over that same time span).

Now? I find my interest seriously waning. I don’t own season tickets and my merchandise purchases are not substantial so I don’t think the Oilers would financially miss me, the classic tier 2 fan. But it makes me think and wonder… I can’t be the only one feeling this way. What does it mean to the future of the Oilers?

I don’t have the answers, I really am wondering.

I really don't give two sh*ts
I really don’t give two sh*ts

If you find yourself unlucky enough to be viewing this steaming crap-pile of negative garbage, I’ll apologize for any “pit of the stomach” feelings it happens to induce. I just really feel like I have nothing left to write about, nothing positive that is, and the stuff I do have rattling around in my head, it needs to get out.

Omark recalled?

Yakupov trade rumours?

Hemsky trade rumours?

Hall close to returning?

Devan Dubnyk struggling?

A win in Florida(!)?

To make use of a dying cliche… As. F*cking. If.

I couldn’t care less than I do at this point in my existence. The season is cooked, done, finished, acabado, terminé, fertig, закінчений, समाप्त, 成品. However you say it, in whatever language you speak, this team is not making the playoffs. There is no longer joy in rooting for them as things stand. Just futile, juvenile, frustration.

Until I really have something positive worth writing about, my content contribution is going to be scarce. Call me what you will because of that, it won’t sway me into foolishly putting anymore sporting faith into this debacle. I’m going to sit back, watch what I can, try to keep what little faith I have bubbling just above the surface and shut down all public Oilers communiqué until I see some happiness that I can contribute to.

You know what is happy? The pencil sketched dinosaurs, eating the foods they love, running happily across ancient plains, that my 6 year old drew me on Monday night for the walls in my office. That is worthy of my time. Maybe the Oilers could take a lesson from his art, regardless of whatever skills or lack thereof are displayed. Give some real effort, step outside your comfort zones and build something that is worthy of the name you carry

Be Oilers for chr*st sake.

8 friggin’ years. I am officially on hiatus.




Feel free to share some banter with me on twitter @borisnikov just not about the Oilers. I’m on hiatus.

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