A Forlorn sort of Valentine’s Day Poem


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♥ Happy Oilentine’s Day! (A sort of Valentine’s Day Poem for Oilers Fans) ♥

Everyone thought this season was it
They’re high times! They’re developing! They may have some grit!

But kind of like Eberle not delivering a hit
They’ve made like young horses trying to take a… bit

The season started with death in the net
Losing every game, almost a sure bet

Duby, Barb and Bachman first up to try
Then Bryz and Benny, the latter starting to fly

The team is too small, tougher they need be!
The stats guys plead “No!!! Set the skill free!”

MacT responded early, after teeth hit the floor
Grabbing goons a plenty, the acquisitions count four

Yak’s had it tough, goals not coming so easy
Hall’s underlying numbers are making many feel queasy

Young Schultz is still finding the light to his ways
At least Perron and Gordon have shown they can make plays

The beasts’ of the west have exposed this young group
Lets all be honest, this rebuild sucks. It’s a piece of poop

Bottom 3 most assured, obvious to even the most daft
The best solution I see? Try drinking more draft

BUT HEY! A NEW ARENA! Look! It’s at hand!
The team is a joke… BUT IT’S THE NEWS OF THE LAND!

Speaking of draft! Are you all ready?
The PR machine will be pushing it steady

They can’t think this be the only route to the end?
According to them, winning is just ‘round the bend!

Kevin told us of the 6 rings in his hold
MacT promised of moves to be bold

What are WE left with after all of this strife?
I bet some fans feel stabby. Resist… grabbing… knife…

In spite of this mess, we still love what players do
All the stars and the ‘tweeners. Even Jesse Joensuu!

We still go the games and watch on TV
And the bloggers still blog, although a lot more than me

It is my hope that an end to the losing is near
I’ve had enough of this garbage and unhappy fan sneer

As it stands today there are 22 games left
They are sort of improving… (Eakins may yet prove deft?)

So hold on tight to the Oilers love that is true
Because there are bound to be more feelings, that resemble the flu

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Thanks for reading. Feel free to share some banter with me on twitter, @Borisnikov, be it hockey or otherwise.

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