Who Is The Franchise Player?



Just who is the Oilers franchise player? or is it players? I’m about to tell you the answer!

There has been some discussion lately, about possible trade options for a #1 d man. One common name seems to pop up , and that’s Jordan Eberle and there are always great arguments as to why he shouldn’t and should be traded for that defenceman, one of those not so great arguments is that he’s a “franchise player”. Jordan Eberle is a great player, and I’m not taking anything away from him or his game, but he just isn’t someone who you build a team around. You have to ask yourself that question “Is he someone I will build my entire team around?” and then look around the league and compare. He is a complimentary player, and a darn good one at that, but he just doesn’t have those overwhelming leadership or game changing attributes. Now this isn’t an article to knock Jordan Eberle.

One of two franchise players that the Oilers are lucky enough to have is Ryan Nugent Hopkins. When he was in his draft year, some were worried about his size and that he was going to be small and would have difficulty if he didn’t bulk up. He has done just the complete opposite, while he has gotten a little bigger and stronger, they are irrelevant points. His intelligence and hockey IQ weren’t compared to Crosby and Gretzky for no reason. He doesn’t need to hit, he doesn’t need to beat players with blazing speed and he doesn’t need to overpower players with strength because his IQ is his ultimate tool. Mind you he doesn’t have the strength Pavel Datsyuk has, but his games are eerily similar and he himself has said how much the Nuge plays like him. He uses his smarts to be two steps ahead to take way the puck, to position himself to score, to position his team mates better. He is only 20 years old and still has time to grow and excel and perfect his craft, but he’s already considered a leader and he’s a #1 centre on any team. He uses almost the same little tricks Datsyuk does, to keep possession, and keep the cycle flowing but again he doesn’t have near the bag of tricks Dats has. His defensive game is rather sound but of course needs improvement, but since day 1 he has shown signs of improvement. All these tools he has, the quiet leadership, the hockey IQ, his vision and his determination to always get better and of course the comparisons to Crosby and the Great one help solidify his franchise player status. Now ask yourself that question “Would you build your team around him?”

The second franchise player, which is blatantly obvious, its Taylor Hall. The teams best player, the heart and soul, the engine that keeps this train going. When he’s out of the lineup, that evidence should be enough that without Hall, this team can fall behind the eight ball real quick and don’t have someone to pump that life back into them. He possesses blazing speed, a rather underrated shot, leadership skills like Messier and of course his ability to be in the right spot at the right time and create space for everyone around him. He isn’t know to be a passer, but has shown he has some rather soft hands and a soft touch. Hall doesn’t just play a vertical game, he plays a side to side all over the map kind of game, his speed allows him to recover if he puts himself out of position. Hall isn’t the most vocal player out there, but he’s a lead by example kind of guy, goes out there and does what needs to be done, his actions speak louder than his words. It might be for the better that he isn’t so vocal, his passion and love for the game can sometimes come across as ignorant. When he is out there he wears his heart on his sleeve or crest would be more appropriate. He is a goal scorer that’s what he is, and that’s what he does, but he is a player who will do whatever it takes to win, he hates to lose and is evident in his post game interviews. When you think of the Oilers, you think of Taylor Hall, its league known this is his team and when Ference steps down he’s guaranteed to be the captain.

What both these players possess are the ability to be game changers for an entire 60 minutes of the game. In their own special ways, they add life to this team when its down, the team looks to them for motivation, for leadership, for guidance in the time of need. They make the players around them better and they make the opposing team hate them. There isn’t a game where i don’t say to myself ” wow where was RNH or where was Hall tonight” they are always two positives, whether it’s a 8-0 loss or an 8-0 win. They both seem to be able to elevate their gameplay when it’s needed, if they are asked to play 25 minutes, they step up and work for every 25 minutes. They possess the ability to take games over. Now this isn’t to say Eberle doesn’t possess these traits or tools, we have all seen him single-handedly take over points in games, seen him be Mr.clutch like he was against Russia. He just doesn’t have the consistency, at times can be a ghost and looks to have trouble to elevating his game to the next level when it’s needed. I’m not saying its impossible for him to develop it and realize its possible for him, but as of right now he’s just not a guy who build a team around, he’s the guy you look to, to help your stars get going again, the guy who compliments every one, whether its Luke Gazdic or Taylor Hall.

Don’t agree with me and think I’m wrong? tell me about and tell me why

You can follow me on twitter @madi39

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