Fun with Photoshop- Julian and Bubbles on the bench



Since the infamous MacT presser the ‘Bubbles’ inspired image above has been making its’ rounds on Twitter. Then Dallas Eakins was fired and Todd Nelson was promoted from OKC to coach the Oilers and fans have nicknamed him Julian because of resemblance to the character of the same name from the TV series, “The Trailer Park Boys.”

In honor of this recent TPB theme in the Oilerverse, I created the image below:


While I am at it, since the recent release of the Star Wars teaser trailer, here is a Star Wars themed Photoshop creation I did last year featuring some familiar faces:



So full page in the Sun asking for Katz to fire Kevin Lowe today, eh? Wonder when Katz will take out his full page response/yearly apology letter.


Really Long Run for MS

As a person living with Multiple Sclerosis I am very fortunate. I still play hockey, run, and do most everything I was able to do before I was diagnosed. For me the worst symptoms are fatigue (sometimes extreme), issues with my balance, and constant numbness in my hands and feet. However, I am one of the lucky ones and many with this disease find simple things like walking next to impossible and there are many who can’t walk at all. Every spring my wife and I ride in the MS Bike from Leduc to Camrose. This year I have decided to run the 85 KM (one leg of the MS Bike) in a single day two weeks prior to the big ride to raise money and awareness. On May 23rd, 2015 I will begin the run in the wee hours of the morning and be met during the day by others who will run portions with me (and hopefully keep me sane and motivated). All money raised will go to the MS Society of Canada. If you would like to know more, donate, volunteer, or even join me for a portion of the run you can get more information by clicking here.

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