Golden Bears vs NAIT Ooks Post Game


University of Alberta Golden Bears


Golden Bears vs NAIT Ooks Post Game- A restless and thirsty crowd descended on the Clare Drake Friday night. The beer line was long and the fans for both sides were restless as were the teams on the ice. If this fearless member of the Oilers Rig staff hadn’t looked at a calendar, he would have never guessed this was a preseason hockey game. Both teams came to play.

Jamie Crooks opened the scoring for the mighty Bears and the home side lead 2-0 after 1 period. The Golden Bears expanded the lead to 3-0 on a goal by Legault and it looked like the defending CIS champs would put it in cruise control to the victory.

Thats when the Ooks showed why they were the defending ACAC champions.

The Ooks crawled back and with 33 seconds left in regulation when Trace Elson poked the puck past a sprawling Luke Siemens to tie the game and send it to overtime. The Golden Bears looked rattled in the extra frame as there was obviously disbelief that their three goal lead had evaporated.

University of Alberta Golden Bears

The overtime started 4 on 4, but it was hard to keep track as it was a very physical affair and there were multiple penalties on both sides during the first overtime period. The game was till tied after the first extra session and 3 on 3 commenced in the second OT.

With 3:50 left in the second overtime frame, John Dunbar (who had played professionally in the ECHL) did the unthinkable and sent the storied University of Alberta to the showers with a loss. You could tell by the reaction of the Ooks players this was no typical preseason game; they came to slay the giant. It was a tough loss for the Bears, but hopefully one they’ll learn from going into the regular season.

Next up for the Golden Bears in the preseason is a match being played today at the Clare Drake versus the University of Saskatchewan Huskies at 6:00pm.

Side Note

The Ooks featured a player with the last name “French.” I was really hoping his first name was Steve but it turned out to be Tyler…….

(language warning, don’t click play if you don’t like vulgar language)

Golden Bears Post Game live from Rich’s Garage

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