If They Only Had A Heart

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For the longest time, I just couldn’t put my finger on the problem. The Oilers definitely needed a goalie for the last few years. Devan Dubnyk, wasn’t the answer to say the least. While management thought he could become a decent NHL starter for many years. That WRONG decision was finally put to bed. After his trade to Nashville, he played only a few games. Now he finds himself on waivers. But fear not. The Professor to the rescue. Ben Scrivens signed a two year extension today. So that’s good news. But even with his unbelievable play, the Oilers have lost a few horrible games. So while Scrivens has been the best keeper we have seen since Roloson. And yes I believe he is ACTUALLY a starting goalie. There is still something wrong in Oil Country.

Everyone always points to defense. Which I completely agree with. But lesser defenses can still be competitive. Don’t get me wrong, we are bad on the back end. Any team who employs Jeff “Up The Middle” Petry as a number one guy is in denial. But you can’t tell me that the Islander’s, New Jersey’s or even Dallas’ are any better. yet they at least keep competative. Even if you look at Colorado, tell me on paper, you would rather have theirs? Of coarse not, it looks horrible. Yet all these teams find themselves up the standings. But we like to leave the guy in the slot open, game in, game out. What’s with that.

Oh, but Shawn, our forwards aren’t big enough. That seems to be the next argument. Again a very valid point. We do need some grittier players in our top 9. More David Perron, less Sam Gagner right? But that can’t be right either. Sorry to use Colorado again, but their top 6 are actually about the same size as ours, yet they are sixth in the league. Or Montreal, that besides Pacioretty, compared to the Oilers IS a team of circus midgets. How can they play games each night and still have a chance to win?

Honestly to me, as an Oilers fan, is absolute lunacy. Why can all these other teams, that look like Mickey Mouse organizations. That don’t have the potential or skill. That shouldn’t even be at the same level at the Oilers, still be making us look like the Jim Belushi’s of the NHL? Because honestly, aren’t these skill players supposed to bring back the dynasty years again? I mean, since Taylor Hall was drafted, wasn’t this team supposed to turn things around? That’s what I thought. I mean, look at the names. Hall, Eberle, Yakupov, Schultz and Gagner. Aren’t they just supposed to turn this team around on how skilled?


Do you want to know why things are such crap in the City of Champions? Because we have the wrong mix of players. That is true, but not the reason this team doesn’t make games interesting. The reason is that they are all missing “Heart”. Isn’t that just an organ that pumps blood through your body?


I am talking the type of heart that:

-jumps in front of a shot to block it

-takes a hit just to get the puck out

-finishes a check, not because the coach told him to, but because he’s tired of losing

-fights to win a draw at all costs because that is all that matters

-plays every single shift like it could be their last in this league

-doesn’t care if they are a 1st or 4th liner, all that matters is the win

-puts their stats aside because it doesn’t matter how many goals you have if you never make the playoffs

-gives a crap about the average fan and not just their damn paycheck

Can you name some players on our team like that? I bet you can with the fingers on one hand. While I used to believe that it was just the culture of losing demoralizing players each year. But at this point it is truly starting to seem that was just another line we were being fed. Or something that we made ourselves believe. I am starting to feel that the players are too caught up in their own crap, they feel things should just happen. Maybe that they should just be given ice time because they were high draft picks. It’s time for them to wake up. When Hall tries to pull a toe drag 3 times a shift a loses the puck each time, bench him. When Eberle decides it’s not his job to back check, bench him. When Schultz gets caught up ice on a poor pinch, Bench Him! When Gagner loses him check, bench him. It’s not just Yakupov that should be punished.

This team as a whole is seriously missing the will to give a crap. Petry falls right into this category. He has all the tools to be a top pairing guy. He just doesn’t have the competitive spirit to do it. And sadly, it seems as though the other players are following suite. I am at the point I don’t care what kind of Godly potential these players are supposed to have. If they don’t put in an honest effort, just get rid of them. It doesn’t matter if the name on the back of the jersey says Hall, Eberle, Petry or Fraser, Jones, Hemsky. If they don’t put in an honest effort every night grinding and battling, not just relying on skill. Get rid of them. We need a team of 20 goal guys who bleed for the Logo on the front, not a 50 goal scorer who cares about the name on the back. I am just sick of year after year getting spurts of brilliance, followed by weeks of horrific play.

Its becoming abundantly clear that the players only play good when they catch a team sleeping. That’s it. Not because they deserve the win. More because the other team gets caught in a run and gun game. Hence why we keep coming in last place. The sooner these spoiled brats realize that actual hard work is needed, the better off we all will be. The team will win a few more games, they will have better numbers, a more complete game and the fans will be happy. If they don’t figure it out, why not dangle them for some big fish. You can’t tell me that if our starkids were put on the block, they could reel in other star players. Like a Hall/Doughty swap (just an example). Or a Eberle/Backes swap (again just an example). I am just sick of losing and listening to the players say the same cliches over and over. It’s even more or a p*** off they don’t show any emotions. I just want a team that cares half as much as the fans do. Is that too much to ask for?

Thank you for reading. Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or get a hold of me on twitter @shawn_kelemen . It doesn’t matter if it’s good, bad or to exchange recipes.

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