Heat Of The Moment: Oilers Quick Hits


Two days to go friends, we are two days away from Connor McDavid becoming an Edmonton Oiler and from the off-season officially kicking off. Will Peter Chiarelli deliver the goods of a starting goalie, defensive help and secondary forwards? I think it’s too much, but we wait. Decisions will be made in the next two weeks folks, it’s the heat of the moment.

Here are the latest quick hits leading into draft day. Some big items in here, friends.

Asking Price Coming Down In Ottawa?:

Senators’ GM Bryan Murray mentioned wanting a young top-six forward and a high pick for one of his goalies a little while back. On Tuesday night, Murray admitted that his asking price likely will not be met this off-season. Arpon Basu has the details:

@ArponBasu: “It’s not going to be a satisfactory deal… I’m not going to get what I think I should get.” – Bryan Murray on his impending goalie trade

This should come as no real surprise. As Peter Chiarelli stated on Monday, it is a buyer’s market when it comes to goaltenders. There is no need to pay a premium for Robin Lehner like that when Eddie Lack could be had for a second round pick. Murray overpriced his asset, and now must publicly come down.

This is a win for the teams that are still in the chase for a netminder.


Lehner The Guy?:

Basu also had this to say on his twitter on Tuesday night regarding Ottawa’s goaltending situation:

@ArponBasu: Murray said teams are looking more at Lehner than Anderson because the price, both salary and what he’s asking in return, is cheaper

This really isn’t a surprise either, as many teams around the league view Lehner as the better option because of his age and potential. That said, I think Robin Lehner is a massive risk. He has health issues and he quite frankly has not been very good in the NHL. To me, this is a bad bet. I’d steer clear if I was Chiarelli.

There is something about his .905 SV% this year (25 games) and .913 SV% last year (36 games) that scare me a bit. I don’t think he is the guy.

Talbot 2

Talbot For Two Denied?:

TSN’s Darren Dreger throw a bit of a curveball out there on Tuesday as well, saying that the New York Rangers had actually denied a trade offer of two second-round picks for Cam Talbot over the weekend. Here is the full quote, which was transcribed by Chris Nichols.

I’m not certain of what has been offered from Edmonton’s perspective. I’m told that there was a team that offered two second round picks for Cam Talbot and that didn’t close the deal.

To me, this is an overpayment. Two second round picks for a pending UFA goalie who hasn’t proven he is a starter at this level. I’m surprised New York was even offered it, forget the fact that they actually rejected the offer. Now, it could have been a late second this season and one next year, but still, that’s fair value for the player.

If Talbot costs Edmonton 33 and 57, or if the Rangers are holding out for the 16th overall pick, then I would simply walk away. I’ve said it before, I like Talbot and think he’s a worthwhile bet, but not at that price. There are other options available to the Oilers.

Ramo Time:

Sportsnet’s Elliotte Friedman was on Calgary’s Sportsnet 960 on Tuesday, and named the Oilers as a potential suitor for pending UFA goalie Karri Ramo. The full quote is below, again thanks to Chris Nichols for it.

“Yeah, I could see Edmonton having a lot of interest in Ramo. I could see the possibility in that. I mean, that’s one of the things we’ve kind of heard, that if they don’t land Talbot that maybe Ramo is one of the guys they start to look at.”

Ramo would be a risk for Edmonton, but he faced a lot of high quality chances last season and fared quite well. He did a good job for the Flames when called on, and was solid in the playoffs when he saw time. I’m not sure he’ll ever be a high-level starter, but he could certainly provide average goaltending.

As a back-up option to a Cam Talbot trade, I’m okay with it. He’s certainly not my top option, but he’s a solid enough goaltender where you can feel comfortable with signing him come next week.

Was interesting to hear Friedman name Edmonton for a free agent goaltender. Until now, most just assumed that the position would be filled via trade, but that’s clearly not the only option. For those wondering, Ramo posted a .912 SV% in 34 games this season.

More as it comes, mock draft part three will go up tonight barring any Oiler news.

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