

I can always find someone
to say they sympathize.
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve.
But I don’t want some pretty face
to tell me pretty lies.
All I want is someone to believe.

Seems like us Mets fans have been searching for someone to believe as Billy Joel once wrote, someone that at least wouldn’t try to put lipstick on a pig like so many higher ups in this organization have been trying to do.  R.A. Dickey, who gave up four runs in eight innings of the Mets’ latest debacle, presents to you the pig … sans lipstick.

“It starts with me. We have to find a way to be honest with ourselves about what kind of team we are. We can’t keep telling ourselves, ‘Oh, we’re a better team than this.’ We may not be.

“We’ve got to be honest about that and identify what we’re doing wrong and do it better. That’s the only way you have any real growth. If we want to reach the destination that we have set out, then we’ve got to be honest with ourselves about how can we take more ownership and what’s going on around us.”

I for one would be in favor of taking ownership … hostage.

Perhaps being honest and identify what they’re doing wrong won’t make up for a lack of pure talent.  But bless Robert Alan for talking to us like adults, and for being true about the state of this team and not feeding us cliché du jour like as others have.  Because it’s not very good.  When Angel Pagan can’t get a hit with runners in scoring position to save his life … when David Wright can’t get a hit at all … when Pagan tries to score on a wild pitch that rolled ten feet away … when Jose Reyes gets doubled off first base on a pop-up … added to all the other problems the Mets have while making guys like Wandy Rodriguez and Bud Norris look dominant … again, tell me that this team can win 70 games let alone compete for something meaningful?

And bless R.A. for being honest as the losing pitcher.  That’s the definition of guts.  Certainly not how Armando Benitez would have responded in the face of adversity.

I can remember when Cliff Floyd made a similarly honest statement years ago, and the people in charge were pissed off.  Wonder what the brass would think about this, since they put part of this monstrosity together.  I’m not sure it matters, since there’s really nothing more they can do anyway except clean house.  Or pray that Jason Bay stays healthy, becomes Hank Greenberg, and doesn’t demand a trade to Beirut.  Some choice.

I know, ya gotta believe.  But I’m just happy that I can believe somebody in this organization.  Because Robert Alan speaks truth.  Go figure, the guy who has been here a year and a half leading the way.  Draw your own conclusions.

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