Confused?Lost?Who isnt?


abcdI have been watching the Oilers my entire life, and there isn’t a bigger passion in my life than hockey and the Oilers. I have seen them through their highs and their now lowest of lows they seem to be at currently. This is just embarrassing though, I don’t even know where to start with this team. I have never seen a franchise is such total dismay from top to bottom, i guarantee the only people actually doing their jobs right are the equipment staff and training staff.Management refuses to make any moves of a bigger significance than to open up cap space and gamble on a goalie, and as of lately our GM said he will not move one of our younger core players, but is open to moving our first round pick,that’s good I guess? I like Mac t and think he’s the right man for the job, but he has to open his eyes, and look around him and look at everything that’s going on.He seems to realize change needs to be had, but he just seems to be unsure of how to get it done right now, maybe its only a matter of time till it clicks in his head, but as of right now this is a sinking ship.

I was a little alarmed, as I watched Taylor Halls interview after Mac T addressed the media with his presser. A reporter asked him a question and he seemed to snap back a little and looked rather pissed off and angry during the 3 minute clip I saw. The first time I have seen him like that towards reporters, we know this team means the world to him, and he’s an emotional guy, but he appears to be at his breaking point. This team needs a win, and needs a win bad to at least just keep the sanity of the players.It was nice to see the emotion out of Hall, but i hate that this team has to be this bad, for him to need to show it like this.

I honestly can say, I have no clue whats going with this team, it seems no one knows whats wrong and how to fix it. I just don’t understand,why they can’t play like they did in the last 40 minutes of last nights game against the sharks, even though they lost ,they out played them and were clearly the better team for those 40 minutes. There is no continuity to this team right now, when they execute Eakins system, it works like gold, but it seems when they feel the pressure they tend to stray away from it and that in turn starts creating missed coverage, forced plays, turnovers, you name something that can go wrong and it happens.They seem to have spans of pure brilliance, where they are out working, out chancing, out shooting the other team and then one tiny breakdown and they get scored on and lose all the momentum. Mac t made a very good point the other day though,he said they needed to still have fun, let loose a little bit and enjoy the game, and maybe that’s the key for them right now. It certainly looked like they had some fun in the warm ups and in the game, they looked to be playing a comfortable game even though they were losing.

The talent, speed, and skill this team possesses is far better than most teams, yet they can’t seem to execute it. I watch this team night in and night out and I can safely say ive never been this embarrassed and frustrated as a Oilers fan. I havent lost faith in this team surprisingly, they are so close to being a good team and they show us moments in games the team they should be. Now its up to the players and coaches to figure this out, because I know majority of the fans are almost at their breaking point with this team and this season could get even uglier if they don’t get their game going.

Well thats my little rant about this team, I am as confused as most fans are, lets hope this team gets going and we have something to cheer for!!!!
Lets beat the snot out of Calgary tonight!

Thanks, tell me how you feel on twitter @madi39

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