It’s Not That Complicated


So hey, Carlos Beltran had some things to say:

“What happened in 2006, you have to turn the page. That’s over. We can’t bring 2006 back to 2012. It has been six years. If they want to continue to think about that moment, then that’s their problem. Like I said, I have turned the page. I have really moved on.”

Listen Carlos, you were paid good money by the Mets. Why aren’t you using it to invent and build a time machine to bring 2006 to 2012? I don’t think it’s that unreasonable.

Seriously, good for Carlos. It took him a while to move on, as I still that post game interview where he said that he still thinks about that strikeout well after it happens. So it takes a change of uniforms to wash those memories away. And that’s fine. I’m not going to demand that Beltran lets this eat at him until the end of time. He wants to go to the Cardinals and make the playoffs, good for him. We’ve been through worse.

But just remember this, Carlos: We were here before you got here, and we’re still here after you’re gone. So it isn’t that easy for us Mets fans … especially since it was the last playoff game this franchise has been in, and probably will be for a while.

So good luck, Carlos. But we’ll get over it on our own calendar, thanks. (See, not that complicated.)

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