Kesler And The Oilers?


On Wednesday, we saw the NHL trade rumor world explode with the rumor that Ryan Kesler might have requested a trade from the Vancouver Canucks, and that he had played his final game with the team. Canucks GM Mike Gillis refused to comment, while Kesler’s agent claimed that a request was never made. Many in the media say otherwise however.

Kesler, a veteran center with a NMC, will likely be traded to a playoff team, so why are we even bringing this up you might ask. Well, Elliotte Friedman of CBC mentioned today on the Fan 590 that the Oilers and Rangers are two teams with a lot of interest in Kesler. It makes a ton of sense for both teams, but does it make sense for the player, and how realistic is it that Kesler ends up in Edmonton?

Friedman brought up more good points in another radio interview this afternoon, where he mentioned the Oilers are an easy team to play against and are looking to change that, mentioning how Kesler is not an easy player to play against. Also, Friedman brought up how the Oilers need to address the center spot, and how Kesler does that.

Does He Help?

You better believe it. Look, I know Oilers fans are not Ryan Kesler fans, trust me, I’m one of those Oilers fans. That being said, Kesler is exactly the kind of player that everyone would love on their team. He’s skilled, he has size, he plays physical and he brings an aggravating presence for the opponent.

Kesler is exactly what the Oilers need behind Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, who is the number one center and will be for the next decade and possibly more. Behind him, the Oilers badly need a physical center with offensive ability and reliable defensive play. Sam Gagner, the man in that current role, simply does not get it done. Ryan Kesler on the other hand, he certainly would.

Kesler, as Friedman mentioned, is a tough player to play against, and seems like a Dallas Eakins player. The Oilers are, for all intents and purposes, a softer team. Ryan Kesler will help change that. Not to mention, Kesler is a great PK’er and blocks shots. He’s the perfect two-way pivot behind a guy like RNH, and is exactly what the doctor ordered for this Oilers team.

Is It Realistic?

I don’t really think a deal between the Oilers and Canucks is remotely realistic right now. Ryan Kesler is a player that can have a big impact on a team, and moving him within the division is a giant mistake. The Canucks aren’t stupid, and they’ll be thinking about that. Remember in the summer how Edmonton had a substantially higher ask than the Devils did for Schneider? It’ll happen here too.

The Canucks are going to ask for way too much for Kesler, and it will make a deal nearly impossible to complete between the sides. Sure Edmonton needs the player type, but if the ask is Jordan Eberle and a prospect? No thanks.

Some are talking about Nazem Kadri and Jake Gardiner from Toronto for Kesler, and that is an insanely high asking price if you ask me. Imagine what they will want from within the division? Oye!

Lastly, Kesler has a NMC. Sure, Edmonton is probably interested in Kesler, but is Kesler interested in Edmonton. With the current state of the Oilers, I’d say the answer to that question is a resounding no. Kesler certainly would improve the Oilers, he’ll likely want a spot on a contending team, which is not Edmonton right now.


All in all, Ryan Kesler would be an awesome addition to the Edmonton Oilers, as much as it might pain me to say it. However, considering Vancouver is in the Oilers division and Kesler has a NMC, I’d be very shocked to see that happen anytime soon.

I’ll leave you with this, if Kesler would for some reason waive, I’d offer up Sam Gagner and Martin Gernat for his services. Is it enough? I’m not sure, but that’s my starting offer. What do you say Oil Country?

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