Klefbom Update: On Health and Hall Trade


Today a Swedish website released an interview with Oilers defenceman, Oscar Klefbom.

You can view the link here (although you will need to translate it to read)  or alternatively you can check out the Twitter account of a Swedish fan who translated bits of the interview into manageable chunks.

Amongst the topics discussed with Klefbom were his health after the freak staph infection on his foot, and some very interesting comments regarding the Taylor Hall trade that have elicited buzz amongst Oilers fans.

I will be primarily using the quotes from the Swedish Website and some other tidbits from Martin’s Twitter Account.

Klefbom’s Health

Klefbom Update: On Health and Hall Trade

Oscar went into detail about his scary fight against his staph infection

It can apparently be quite dangerous. I had to lie inside the drip and antibiotics, but in the end the doctors took the decision that it was best to operate. They wanted to remove the infected skin cells and fluid from the wound. Nevertheless, it was no better and in the end they had to do a second operation as well, which they took away more infected parts.”

You know, I’m really squeamish when it comes to that type of stuff. Staph infections are not something you want to Google when you are bored.  Klefbom struggled as he faced two operations to fight the infection.

“When the wound healed up since I did not get the foot in the skate. I did everything I could to come back and play the last ten matches, but when we had a chance at the playoffs, we took the decision that there was no point taking chances. There was nothing to gain by playing more, says Oilers defenceman.”

Obviously there are some translation issues as the Oilers were no close to the playoffs during the last ten games. It sounded like Klefbom wanted to play the last ten games and potentially could have, but the Oilers were cautious in dealing with his injury. This is not a shocker, especially when compared to the treatment of Connor McDavid’s broken clavicle. It’s a refreshing change compared to times where the old regime would rush players back from injury.

Klefbom’s Season Ending

“It was a bit typical. It was exactly the same when I played for Färjestad and was forced to end the season early 2012-2013. I had known it for two years and started taking big strides and then destroyed just everything. It really felt like everything was on rails and was fine. Why did this damage as a real punch in the face. But now it’s on the other side just to be positive and reload.”

This is crushing. Klefbom was having a breakout year and it just came crashing down. You have to feel for the player here: Klefbom was having a great campaign and is suddenly derailed by a freak injury. Klefbom acknowledges the injury reset him down to ground zero.

How does Klefbom Feel?

“It feels good. The infection has healed Super, although I have a big ugly scar. I have been in Montreal and fixed custom-made skates since I tried not been good since the operations.
Now I have had a good summer of training, where I trained a lot with Jonas Brodin and Marcus Johansson , so now I go into this season of 100% and really want to play games.”

This is really good news for Oilers fans everywhere. The news that the infection has fully healed is wonderful to hear. The custom skates are a rough translation: Martin’s Twitter account suggests that Klefbom has custom fitted skates made for him Montreal. Klefbom has been training hard during the offseason and the music to our ears is his declaration of being 100%. The Oilers badly need him at 100%

Ego Boost

“It is clear that you never want to see your team lose, but the difference was from when I was with made I felt proud of my role. It was very flattering when you read the media and fans write that “now we see Klefboms greatness.” There were even many who thought that I was needed more than McDavid, who was injured at the same time. It is clear that it gave my ego a boost.”

Hey, when someone says you’re needed more than the best player on the team that really speaks volumes! It must have been a ray of sunshine for a player whose season was ended prematurely to see the praise he received for his play.

Regarding Larsson

Klefbom Update: On Health and Hall Trade

“I talked to Adam (Larsson), which is now in Edmonton. He’ll check the apartment in the same house as I live, so it may be that we are neighbours. It would be perfect – because then we can go together to practices and games, says Klefbom. I think the team has improved. We already have so many promising forwards and we did not really have a peak reverse is right are. I also think Adam gets a real breakthrough this year and hopefully I get the chance to play with him and forming chemistry. “

With the Hall Trade officially happening a month ago, time continues forward. I am on the “wait and see” approach with Adam Larsson but I am growing excited to see what he can do with a healthy Oscar Klefbom.  The Oilers did address a need with Adam Larsson. He’s not a third pairing defenceman that some ill-informed fans make him out to be. I am really intrigued by Larsson and Klefbom as a potential pairing.

The Hall Quote

Klefbom Update: On Health and Hall Trade

This is the quote that got everyone talking:

“At the same time, I understand the reactions. Taylor has been our best player in recent years, but it’s also hard to tell what he has contributed. He never played his best games against the tougher teams, which we really needed it. However, he was fantastic when we met the little inferior teams.”

Basically, if the translation is correct, Klefbom is stating Hall only did great against weaker teams than stronger teams. However, I’m starting to believe this is a mistranslation.

Woodguy55 of becauseoilers.com did a post looking at Hall’s production against top teams to see if Klefbom’s statement was correct.  Using Hall’s Relative Expected Goal Share (you should really read McLeod’s piece, he does a way better job of explaining it than I ever could) against every single NHL team, the conclusion was made: Klefbom was wrong. Hall outproduced against better teams while under produced against average or lesser teams.

Also, Martin’s Twitter tries to clarify Klefbom’s comments

Martin also stresses that Klefbom felt frustration for Hall, that the team could never achieve anything while Hall was an Oiler.

Like I said, I think there is some mistranslation here. That’s just my opinion though. 


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